Is being monolingual a first world privilege?


i guess so if you consider mental retardation a privlege

lot of people are monolingual, there is nothing good about it

Let me elaborate. I was thinking more in an economic perspective. Let's say country A speaks one language and country B speaks three. If Manufacturer 1 wants to produce something in B, they have to spend more money printing things in three languages. This also goes the same for lawyers, government agencies, newspapers etc. Also translators.

However there is scientific proof speaking more languages is good. And in Country B there could be more economic opportunities from foreign investors etc

Not really, being bilingual has a lot of positive effects in your brain.
Like avoiding or slowing the advance of dementia, Alzheimer and other things.

If you could, for the sake of your brain health and your old you, learn another language and achieve a fluent level.

Considering most of Europe is bilingual I say no.
I don't think I have ever met a person who doesn't at least speak two languages.

In the English speaking world (namely USA, majority of Canada, Aus and NZ) like almost 100% of the white population do not speak any other language besides English
>t. part of this stastistic

No need, English is the dominant global trade language and almost everyone speaks it.


Kek, you guys have to learn Swedish AND English growing up lol

This is kinda sad desu

If it makes you feel better, I took French in high school and got a C- in it

Yes It's your privilege.


id hate it if everyone in the world would butcher my language on a daily basis

>First world

>like almost 100% of the white population
Cant't be true considering # of Eastern Euro immigrants

do not associate us with cumskins, thank you

I kind of agree with this.

We need a better term than a first or third world countries. There's no second world anymore, the soviet block is ruined and applying Cold War terms to country's wealth is fucking retarded.

I got an A in my Spanish exams and remember fuck all. There's just no necessary reason to learn another language here at all

North Korea and Venezuela are part of the second world.
We could use the terms developed and underdeveloped, but that implies that all countries have had some sort of development, which is probably untrue.