Should I keep my penis? Surgery date coming up soon and I'm a bit conflicted

Should I keep my penis? Surgery date coming up soon and I'm a bit conflicted

Post pics of self first

keep it man just get rid of the balls

This is b8 m8

Get that bastard inverted so you can get fucked right in the pussy.


Tits or GTFO


That's what I want

No balls already

Well bass r gone so y the FUCK not? Like what is even holding you back? Also why?

Sharpie in the pooper,we need further validation

Keep it OP
So when you become depressed and suicidal in the next few years after becoming a deranged tranny, at least it's that little bit easier for you to transition back!

cutting it off wont make you any more or less mentally ill, so follow ur heart

Even if you cut it off your still a dude, so whats the fucking point

its just a dude in a dress lol

Sharpie in the pooper you know de wey


Just keep it then, feminine penis is best.

When did society take this turn? Do you think the soldiers on Omaha beach thought their grandsons would be buying dresses and makeup and getting vaginas???

Post face I wanna see that jawline
also checked.

i think you have more pressing issues that you need to figure out first



do you think these look good?

>feminine penis is best
Is it?

you know what dialating is?
after you get the surgery, you're gonna have to stick a little glass bulb into your "vagina' for up to 6 hours at a time, and if not, it may close or become infected

This is my surgeons work, all the shit you guys know about post ops is from the 50 year old freak men that get it. I'm only 19


it's not worth it

I say this out of genuine concern for your mental health, but if you're seriously having any seconds thoughts you should bring them up with (what I'm assuming is mandated) your therapist you've been seeing regarding your surgical transition.

But I vote to keep the penis. You have an asshole and a mouth, that's enough holes to keep any man happy, and having to continuously stretch a neovagina sounds like a gigantic pain in the dick.

Wait shit is that true?

Fucking lol

Thats a mans son

Did you say you already removed your balls? If so what is holding you back? Also why and how?

vid cummin on those tits pls

Why does your handwriting look like a girls if you’re a guy?


I'm sure the thought of a vagina is nice but in reality it's a gaping wound. Just get fucked in the butt like a real woman.


>No balls already

How long has it been? Have you noticed the effects, and if you have what are they?

Please cut it off so you can;t procreate. It'll be better for us all.

Don't do something if you have second thoughts

>Just get fucked in the butt like a real woman

exactly, this is what I think- if you have a dick and butthole youre already equipped for everything

This thread was posted 3 times today

but he already doesn't have balls

You're so full of shit, I'm post op and it's a pain in the ass. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't have done it.

I regret it so much, the upkeep on my "pussy" just isn't worth it.

keep it !
its a beautiful little clitty!

Bullshit, pics and what surgeon

Cut it off! DO it! Everyone will like you better! All those highschoolers who made fun of you will stop immediately!!!!!1111!!!

Srsly, cut it off so we can stop hearing about your sorry life. NOBODY LOVES YOU OR CARES ABOUT YOU.

AN Hero yourself already.

Keep it and get used to it; your body will never be perfect without.

Show us what you have now, then we'll decide for you!