I work for the U.S. House of Representatives. AMA

I work for the U.S. House of Representatives. AMA

why do you operate pedo rings?

Background: I've interned or worked for a senior midwestern GOP member, a senior GOP southern member, and a junior GOP southern member.

I currently work for the majority side of an A-list committee

That's like asking if you've stopped beating your wife yet

In all honesty are there some members who do some fucked up stuff like this? Yes but its not rampant and bad actors are eventually caught

Tits or GTFO faggot.

I need this in the form of a question... it's an AMA

Real question for you. I tried to contact my reps on the house side (no chance for senate side) in regards to the budget bill. I wanted to have a one minute convo with just one of the district reps. Couldn’t even come close. What’s the best way to contact a rep if you actually wanted eartime/face to face?

Tits or GTFO, capiche?

Go fuck yourself.
You're all a bunch of useless thieving assholes and you should be shot.

So every office operates differently on something like this. It's usually up to the Chief of Staff to decide how open the office is (with the member giving the final OK).

If you want actual face time with the member while he or she is in your home district - check the members website to see if they are doing some sort of town hall or public meeting somewhere. They tend to be small with poor showing so getting the members ear for a minute is very possible

If you just want to meet with a district office staff give the closest office a call and ask to meet with a staffer they are usually willing to oblige - I will say district staff don't know jack shit about policy and won't do much for you they are there for casework mostly

Your best bet if you're not able to make it to DC to see your member or meet with staff is to call and ask the likely intern answering the phone if you can speak to the legislative assistant who handles the issue.

Again this will work with varying degree based on office some offices won't get back to you some the LA will talk to you for a minute just to entertain you and chances are that LA doesn't know jack shit about policy either.

I can say most offices are good at recording and sending out responses in the form of form letters to their members. While the actual member doesn't see a lot of this it's good for the staff to get a pulse on where the district stands on issues.

U mad?

Who do you really represent?
I mean, for real...

Thanks for the thought out response. Next time there is something as aggregious as that budget bill they passed I’ll try out these techniques. Thanks again!

He works for a rep. Sooo nobody....

lol it sure as shit isn't you plebs

why havent you told your parents youre gay yet?


did you know a mass surveillance state is monitoring your thoughts (aka subvocalisation)? ever been the victim of tyranny?

Where do babies come from?

I want to give a rah-rah speech about how I'm doing to this to serve my country but the truth is I'm just a nerd and enjoy working in government.

I like to think given the circumstances members are good at representing their own constituencies but not the country as a whole - and this is where the disconnect comes for a lot of people. Congress as a whole has a terrible approval rating - but people tend to like their member. It speaks more to a political climate than anything else.

Call me an optimist but from my 4 years of experience there are corrupt and self-serving members but the vast majority are there to actually do some good and what they think is right for the people they represent.

You know anything classified that’s interesting? Willing to share?

If congressmen are representatives, what the fuck is senate doing, not representing anyone?

What a bunch of cunts!

You have downs

No user.
Congress is cunts.
Senate is dicks.

Nah I don't have a security clearance... you only need that for a handful of jobs on the Hill

Um, I'm pretty sure you mean senate ARE dicks.

Why are Republicans conservatives that hypicrotically support keynesian policies and government inteference?

This is actually pretty accurate


lol that's true. bc senate seems to enjoy fucking congress whenever possible.

The senate is an animal unto itself that political gridlock has made doing anything completely impossible without 60 votes.

Its no longer in the minority party's (whoever is in the minority party) interest to compromise because as soon as you do you lose fundraising and political capital. The best strategy is to obstruct until your party takes back over (both parties are guilty of this)

I don't have a great answer for you and as a conservative its supremely frustrating.

For whatever reason the populist movement that's continued to grow has completely shed classical conservative policies for low hanging fruit. I don't know if its channeled ignorance into anger or what but it has a lot of people on the Hill at a loss of where the party needs to go.

And again this identity struggle is for both parties. The Dems have aging unpopular out of touch leadership. Even when they try to go young the go to what they know (SOTU response a Kennedy... seriously?)



Gotta work tomorrow so gonna give it another 10 minutes or so if anyone else has questions