>still uncircumcised
Explain yourself retards.
>inb4 "muh sensitivity"

factual. uncircumcised is fucking gross


>still caring about other men's penises
Explain yourself faggot
>inb4 i like the way they taste

Cutting part of your dick off is only slightly less gay than being tranny

My cock is uncut - sure there's a certain stigma attached to it (or smegma cry laughing emoji) but I certainly wouldn't trade it. My girlfriend came 3 times last time we had sex. To say "inb4 muh sensitivity" you're taking the lynchpin of the argument FOR being uncut and trivializing it.

no one here cares that you are insecure about your broken jew penis, amerifag

I missed these threads, thank you faggot op. We need to bring back USA vs Europe too

I've never had smegma and I'm uncut. How are y'all so gross? It takes literally a second to pull back the skin and wash it in the shower

>there's a certain stigma attached to it
Please tell me you live with some African tribe. I can't believe this shit is happening in a first world country.

How about not being a fucking jew? Guys who get circumcised should be thrown into the oven like the rest of the thrash

Lol right? So glad I’m cut tight

>being this retarded.
as in stigma he's literally talkign about shit like this thread 99% of guys have never had a problem irl over Foreskin

USA was never a first world country

I shower more than once a month so it's just fine, also not wanting to murder my parents because they decided to mutilate me when i was a child is a plus

My parents thought "Hey, call me crazy but I think we shouldn't dice our sons junk before he's old enough to make that decision by himself".

Then I grew up and realized it was sweet beating off without killing a tub of hand moisturizer.

>tfw wash dick thoroughly
>dry masturbation and secretions lead to digusting smell
is it bad to get cut at a late age

i think you might be a closet homo. check with your local gayologist.


reminder that only insecure micro penis fags really care about foreskin, if you whip out 7+ inches of meat there isn't a bitch that's going to care about foreskin on it or not

I didnt choose to be uncircumcised

>>being this retarded
Well, it wasn't me who elected Trump as a president. Most of the developed world imagine typical American as a McDonald's-eating, gun-wielding fat idiot, so I think my question was valid.

Number 1:
It's genital mutilation.
Number 2:
It stems from religion.
Number 3:
You're a fucking nasty idiot if you manage to get an infection on your dick because you don't take showers or baths.

I'm uncut and I can safely say that my sex is much better because of it. Fuck you, your parents, and your hospital. Mutilated faggot.

Wash your dicks faggots


This is the ideal penis. No frenulum to tear. No dirty foreskin. Cut tight with no skin movement for maximum friction inside the vagina. Sensitivity reduced so he can fuck for longer. This is what women crave, a human dildo who can jackhammer away, not a smelly trunk which will turn her off.

nice 4 inches faggot

Yeah I'm sure you get a lot of gals off with that MASSIVE hammer.
>go for longer
I have incredible control over my orgasms, tx


>This is the ideal penis

>This is the ideal penis.
Faggot is a connoisseur of cock haha

>Thinking this much about dicks and still trying to pretend you're not gay

wow what a good guess thats 4.4 inches how tf did you tell that just looking at it are you a dick wizrd?

>it's still the same size OP.

Eh, rather this than complain about another mans penis.

4? Uhh no... At least I’m not always worrying about a girl being grossed out or having to warn her “oh hey I’m uncut hope that’s ok....” Pretty fucking beta to have to explain to a girl wtf is wrong with your cock before you get to fuck her so she’s not disgusted

know its 4.4 inches dont lie if your thum is at its widest 1.5 inches which would be a massive thumb and we look at your thumb and stack them the measurement can be no greater than 4.5 inches. here ill ps your tiny dick for demonstraction.

Lol it's in-superior in every way except you can get aids easier. But that's only an issue if you're fucking disgusting people in disgusting risky ways.

've enjoyed sexual things in a way you don't even have the capacity to. It was stolen from you :)

>Still mutilating your dick like a jew or muslim for no reason

Both those religions ban you from earing bacon - you REALLY want to follow their advice about your peenor's polo-neck? Go ahead.

Don't be surprised when regular folk think you're a fucking idiot, though.

Hahaha are you fucking serious? Getting aids isn’t a big deal?!?! So deluded just get that shit cut man

Where's the rest of it? Not foreskin just... the rest of it?

Not a jew

im sorry 4.7 inches i stand corrected intitial test revealed 4.4 but better pixel analysis reveals your packing a mighty 4.7

Britfag here, uncut, really makes no difference to me, Sex isn't a problem, friction can sometimes hurt but using lube negates that

>Reading comprehension THAT bad.
>Wanting to be a degenerate.
>Fucking strangers without condoms.
Good little goy.

Hahahaha wtf?!

ITT:Mad uncutfags who have way too much time

You don't even know what you're missing m8.

You're just mad because at any time, we could degrade ourself to your jew slave levels (why even tho lol) but you can NEVER again become a whole man, so instead you make angry threads about muh smegma.

no im cut since 94 boi respek i do it for the lulz and cuz he dead ass tried to tell me he wasnt 4 pleasssee

The term "third world country" originated during the Cold War and was meant to invoke images of a world outside of the spheres of influence of either the USA or the USSR (hence, why the term "developing nation" is now more correct). From that, people inappropriately derived "first world country" and applied the term to economically advanced nations. However, at its core, the only countries outside of the "third world" were the US and its network of allies (and neo-colonies) and the USSR with a similar situation.

So, you're breathtakingly incorrect. Sir.

Uncut fags can go cut any time, you had a choice forced on you. It was the wrong choice of course, the justifications are mostly religious which is why people get away with mutilating their babies. Look at statistics though, it's getting less and less popular over time throughout the western world because we aren't savages.


I'm cut and I don't use hand moisturizer.

This, looking for acceptance in the world where everyone thinks he is a jewcock and his parents are retarded for circumcising him. Arabs and jews circumcise because they dont shower, there is fuckload of sand and they fuck animals. Foreskin will get full of goat shit and sand and get irritated until the shower in 3 months. So in our society with a shower every or every other day it is completely unnecessary. Stupid religious inbred cucks enjoy your scars and no foreskin.

The USA sucks for most of it's citizens, it hasn't been the land of opportunity for a long time. Just the land of hard decline into the 3rd world.
>I liek paying more money for my healthcare cos socialism is anything fox tells me it is.
>Ppp PP Please cut my babies dick dr goldmanstein, here's some shekels.

There's absolutely no reason as an uncutfag to be remotely mad about it. Like someone else said I can get circumcised whenever I like if for some reason I need or want to but you're stuck for the rest of your life with a mutilated dick. And I've had sex with or showed it to a female that didn't love it. Enjoy your jew cock.

You are far too proud of that unassuming penis. Good on ya for the confidence though.

*never had sex with a female that didn't love it

If any country deserves to be called declining into 3rd world, it's Russia. I'll fight on this.
Source: I'm russian



Thats you, you can't get your old foreskin back, so you try to find ways to defend your jewcock. Same as religious people and conspiracy theory nuts, which you are probably as well. Autist

I don’t need to use hand lotion, never had a girl even bring up cut vs uncut, my sensitivity is perfect, and I don’t need to worry about washing it all the time. Why would I want to be uncut?

It's already 3rd world.
>actually argues with Trump memes.
Wew lad



>it's citizens
>it is citizens

You used a contraction of "it is", rather than the possessive form of "it." And I thought you guys loved bashing the USA for its public education.

that image is terrible; considering the uncut diamond is worth more.

>It's already 3rd world.

You don't even know what 1st vs 2nd vs 3rd world is


If you could you'd enjoy sex and fapping more. But you can never know. It's shitty of your parents and you should be mad. Don't do it to your kids, break the circle.

last time i had smegma was when i was 7 and i opened my foreskin for the first time to wash it. I started fappening around then thanks to that. I shower every 2 days and never had smegma in 25 years and I made my gf cum 5 times. Cut has no benefits, get over it

GG user G fucking G

>muh glorious shithole.

You really think this is what a girl is craving and hoping to see when she pulls off a guys pants?

It's impossible for you to know if it's better if you've never been circumcised...

5 times.... total?

>Not an argument.
Post more trump memes cutfag :D


>Faggot detected

One night. And 3 more in the morning. You americunts with jewcocks who are insecure about everything. Looking for approval from likeminded retards. Gtfo and grow up

as a circumcised person, i don't know what im missing out on, but i can still identify newborn circumcision as an extremely stupid thing.
im also American. but white&fit, regardless of what you shitposters say ;).

Its important to point out the difference between a Jewish circumcision one due to a medial abnormality from a doctor.

if you are circumcised by a doctor you may as well have AIDS because you are a fuckstain.

Jews confirme

Explain the math here Sup Forumsrother

ITT: autism

How tf would u kno what a woman wants to see?
ur still in ur room rubbing socks on ur dick

Thanks for the clarification, and good on ya for having something (anything) to brag about.

My personal record is 47 orgasms in a day, but 5 is nice. She was a medical miracle, but it's still nice having that number tucked in the back of my mind.

Because, I'm not a filthy jew, or filthy muslim faggot like you OP

I would never circumcise myself, you on the other hand will never know what its like to have foreskin, it looks better and it feels better. OP is a faggot jew muslic cuck

Possible plot twist: OP is uncut and is baiting people.


>can cum inside foreskin and deliver my load to toiled without any mess - just by pressing end of foreskin with my fingers
>can make awesome piss baloons with foreskin
>no one will accuse me of being jew
>if one gets smegma (protip: just wash once in a while to prevent this from happening)all of this will go inside foreskin, while jews emit constant discharge in their pants like some girl on peroid
>feels good
>"muh sensitivity" too
>no need for lube
>glans is not dried up and wrinkled
>luterally pull it over, it's just that fucking easy, no neet to cut it off for fucks sake
>extra protective skin layer is never bad

Get out jew shill

All genitals are gross. We are all just gross sacks of meat and fluids touching each others gross leaky holes. It's all gross and nothing to be proud of.