Niggers behaving badly

Niggers behaving badly

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Why you post this? Just stop my people only mean good but have to survive in today's world. You don't know the struggle.

Go mug an old woman nignog

bait 0/10




season mating nigger

this was in my ralphs.


Southern California?





that shot of the automatic door is kekworthy





niggers gonna nig.






im sorry, this is just funny. no harm no foul. that dudes prolly a cool guy.




I fucking hate black people.

Its called being a nigger...

>black people

come on guys, that's something johny knoxville would do for laughs. you'd shoot him over spilled coffee?

Why did he do that???


I like the way this one ends

go fuck yourself nigger lover





Asking because this is what scares me about niggers. As a black guy I'm expected to just "act normal" around shitty niggerhoods but there is no normal way to act around coons like this

what in the fuck set this off?
any anons got audio or sauce?
sorry for being that guy.




Fat women, skinny men. All scumbags.


The best ones are when the nigger ends up shot


So just niggers being themselves, right OP?


Blacks shouldn't be allowed to reproduce like they are legit not even evolved enough to form words coherently and they have no useable skills in the workplace

Liberals get the hands too.

this thread makes me fucking angry
can we get some justice

Gun jams as he manually slides it forward, bullet is lodged up there preventing the pin to fire.
Gun was unharmfull there and then, and the way he forcefully slides it forward when cocking it... im gonna guess its broken.

Still, never know, could've been easy jam with that bullet and next time it works

>It is unclear whether the man intended to jump out of the car


i'm sure his mom insisted he was a good boy who didndu nuffin wrong after she saw this footage too.
i bet if you look it up, more blacks are killed by blacks in any given year in the last fifty than were killed any five years combined during slavery.
whoever proves it will be labeled as a racist or revisionist.

What a filthy skank!!! Fucking Cunt!


I love how fucking casual this dude is
>not this shit again, fine

Why? What could have possibly been done to provoke this?


I would strangle that nigger bitch to death. I would happily watch as the life faded from her eyes while I choke her to death.

please tell me this ends well?

>google "lemonade stand robbed" or "girl scouts robbed"
>happens relatively frequently
>suspects always of melanin enhanced persuasion

What is it with negroids and suckers punching?

>horrifying moment

whitey attending BLM rally gets purse snatched



>Daquantrius Shaquill Johnson
>Quanique Dontrell Thomas-Hameen

stop stealin. you and your family are a plague. at least learn how to speak

- this shit obviously looks like a fucking fight, bitch said something and the most dominant showed her.. step up your game on your posts
kidd with the brick was obviously mad. white kid probably said some racist shit

Surely this is South Africa, so many niggers in fancy school uniforms.

That's actually the Freddie Grey riots in Baltimore. Hilarious to see these roasties get instantaneously redpilled tho.

all that he learned by listening tupac and eminem

you are in the wrong place...

They don't need provocation.

Weapons or sucker punch. Or sucker you with a weapon. Cowardly monkeys.

we found the nigger lover


>Sasha Goldstein

Lol holy shit man, fucking niggers. I bet he got away too.

He's really strong tho

they're just jealous


What are they stealing?

The white kid looked like he was ready for a fair fight.

is that a trump hat? kek

Is this bait? How is it a fight if you don't know you are in a fight? ALL these niggers, EVERY one of them so far on this thread have either suckered someone or used a weapon on someone unarmed.