Gimme some ideas Sup Forums

gimme some ideas Sup Forums

i told him that i cant do nudes rn

Send the poor fuck noods

>no nudes
>show butt


Coalburner AND a thot?
On MY Sup Forums?
It's more likely than you think.

Tell him you want to meet up and order a hooker there

Shit yeah

ill deliver if someone comes up with something good

r u special



You don't belong here.
Lurk moar.

You're a newfag ain't cha

Depends who's asking.
Read the filename.


Pretend someone broke into your house and killed you or some shit. Leave him all fucked up.

>being this new

Im catfishing him you retarded newfag, go back to Sup Forums.

>using normie terminology
>"hurr im just catfishing him durr"

Tell him to cum in his mouth

>inb4 i was only pretending to be retarded

>"r u special"
Tell me this doesn't make you look like you emigrated from facebook or l.eddit, I dare you.

"You are only 17, send pics but not nude, please not nude."
Heres a pic of my penis btw

Nigger stop backpedaling you just said "tits or gtfo" to a man. How retarded are you. Just go back to robotland.


You should kys for being such a pathetic fucking loser
The guy sending "you" dick pics should as well

so you like looking at guys dicks or something? I don't get this whole thread.

ya im a little baffled by this whole thread too