How do I break up with my girlfriend in a way that will completely destroy her and make her immensely depressed

How do I break up with my girlfriend in a way that will completely destroy her and make her immensely depressed

You should seek therapy. Look to the humble mushroom. I wish you well in your journey to find your inner light.

Show her your pony porn.

Somehow I don't think that'll give the intended effect. Do it anyway though, why not.

my autism would show

Once you are willing to understand the problems lie within yourself you can fix them. Let go of your anger and your pain. Welcome love into your heart. You will learn all these lessons in time but I rejoice when others find the path. You're receiving the gold of a better life.

The best way to make an average woman feel super bad is showing her how worthless and ugly you think she really is, inside and outside, and making her believe that everyone else thinks so too and if they say otherwise they're lying. The average woman's psychological well-being and self-esteem is extremely dependent on the opinions of others. Also make her believe you never really loved her and nobody ever will.

this isn't anger it's an experiment

Fuck it, give her an STD, convince her to try some bondage. Tie her to the bed and invite your friends to come and use her. Tell her how ugly she is, get really abusive near the end and give no explanation except its her. Blame her for everything. Point out faults whenever they happen and rub her face in it.

I mean, you're the shit kind of human that would do that. Also kill yourself.

Dissolve of the ego and barriers. You're in control of your happiness. Destroying another beings spirit will not heal your own. You must understand the humanity of all beings. When you're in all places in all times you will know all and we will rejoice together. I love you traveler.

OP didn't ask for moralfagging, now did he? Is this what Sup Forums has become? Disgusting

Fuck her dad

If you think this is how playing god would look, you are wrong. She will only learn what I am trying to teach you if you go through with your plan.

Tie her up, gag her, and invite me over. I hand you 20 dollars in front of her and you leave the room for an hour.

I feel sorry for you traveler but you will learn in time as we all do. I can't wait to see you on the other side. You have no idea how much I love you.

not show up to your wedding

You could of course also just keep her as a slave to really break her mind properly, but don't make the mistake of not cutting her vocal chords and properly immobilising her in case of a police investigation. You may also want to rent a storage space you can keep her at somewhere, but do this after you've done this , so she won't die with the feeling that someone out there loves her and was searching for her.

Love you too, user, but stop your moralfagging while on Sup Forums, you candy ass.

i dont want to kill her . just make her trust in the average person much less than she does currently

Holy shit, faggot
What a waste of oxygen. Can't even ruin your pathetic girlfriend's mind the right way. Kill yourself

I will spread light into all places. I have received my message and know when and what I must do. I simply put forth an option of self healing. If you could see how much happiness self love would bring you, you would understand he doesn't need to bring harm upon others. Seek the heroic dose and speak with the beings you encounter. It's better to experience than be told. If you've ever asked the sky for a sign, this is it.

Who even are you? Who do you represent? Why the hell are you even here?!

I took you seriously before, but now it sounds like druggie, astral mumbo jumbo brain farts, you pathetic loser. Maybe you should have ended yourself before you destroyed your brain, if you ever had a functioning one. Nigger

its time to log off

Neh, that was fun. Don't be like that, sweetheart.

there are a few ways.

act really extremely nice, and make a lot of buildup. hint at her that youre going to propose to her, bring her to a really nice place, and then break up to her before walking out, making her pay for the food ;p.


kill urself

Tell her she's your side chick and you got your main chick pregnant and don't want to risk losing your main chick for the side chick, so bye felicia.

If shes with you she is clearly immensely depressed already