Hey Sup Forums, never ever thought I'd make a post like this, never have in my 8+ years here but here we go

Hey Sup Forums, never ever thought I'd make a post like this, never have in my 8+ years here but here we go..

There is a piece of human fucking trash that goes to the University of Mississipi.

His name is Bill Londrey.

Bill is a known rapist, animal abuser, and he killed my fucking cat Sup Forumsros. I can't just take it laying down. He was my best friend, aside from you fucks.

So I guess what I'm asking you Sup Forumsros is.. How do I get this fuckers number? I know what he looks like, where he goes to school, a few dudes in his frat.

How do I get back at this guy?

>pic very related

Shamless self bump, looking for any advice Sup Forumsros.

justice bump

Man up and kill him or let it go.

Yeah how do you know he is a animal rapist?

ffs man you already have all the info you need to avenge your cat

he fucks animals

Not your personal army faggot.

>four replies until someone said it

what happened to Sup Forums

Not asking for that, asked for advice nigger.

kill his parents and make chili

cancer, newfag. cancer fucking happened.

want make him ded?

>he was my best friend
>how do i find his phone number
>hes a rapist but also murdered my cat
lol what even is this post user
try a little harder on your next shitpost

He never asked us to get info on him, just how HE could get info.

My god you fucks are idiots.

Reading comprehension user, the guy killed OPs best friend the cat.

got his dads cell, dubs decides what you do with time stamp and ill give it once you complete the task

Sharpie if course


Jesus this place is filled with fucking Celsius room temp IQs anymore. How fucking stupid can you be?

you can start by sending a message to this culver summer camp shit saying stuff about him

various messages calling him a rapist, to kick him off, you know pretty mild but eitherway a start

shit or the school


Get a female friend to call the uni accusing him of rape. They'll exprll him immediately. Other than that, there are thousands of harassing prank ideas around. Put nair in his shampoo. Stash drugs in his room and call campus security. Make his life a living hell.

Thank you for all the kind words Sup Forumsros. I appreciate the advice.

op here, rolling

Autistic reply

>nair in his shampoo
this op

Never tried to sneak into someones dorm not sure how to go about that but it is a good one.

This chad will be the next Ted Bundy by the sound of it

You're retarded aren't you

Ask a close chick friend to ask for his number. Someone he won't know.

Staple balls to table

fucking cuntlips right here

come on 2 sets of trips, deserves the number, Nut up or shut up fag

>implying you're not op
>implying you're not the fucking lazy crap sack who can't self-teach hackering.

get fucked, loser.

Guys look at me I’m a Sup Forums now