Lets go Sup Forums

Lets go Sup Forums

"Traps are gay"


"I am sexually attracted to other males"

"Shoot me in the face"


Unjustifiable faggot detected


traps are not gay


"Niggers tongue my anus"

kys yourselves

that shits just dumb


mai boiii


>"Traps are gay"

>kill yourself yourselves

What’s said in the original?




JIF JIF all the time!

Normiest thing on this website

he probably said ''there is more then 2 genders''







lets go guys

You do need shot

Newfag detected.



Dad, i’m voting Tory, because fuck Labour.

>Being a subhuman non-American piece of shit
Kill yourself










A masterpiece of modern art, if I may say so good sir/man/xir.





It kinda is

If anyone buys from those places they need their testicles nailed to the wall.

Why pay over the top prices for a thin shitty pizza, when local restaurants owned by actual Italians make the same size pizza, thicker and with more toppings for less?

>judging pizza on its thickness

Hey, I think it's time we got you out of that basement and into some physical activity

> (OP)

Can someone dub this one with "Gucci..."

"Gang" and then add rainbows to him in the last frame

>assuming America invented the pizza
>ignoring the fact Italy did, and it was a nice thick crust and base, with lashings of toppings
>but continues to believe paying twice the price for a thin base, with very little toppings is the best way to go
>then thinks I am him with his projections of himself in a basement



>being so autistic about pizza you want to fight about its origins regardless of the conversation

I bet mommy's little debater has some strong opinions about nuggies too


Ignorant peasant!
True italiano pizza is flat bread pizza with tomato souce and nothing more!

only one funny post in this thread, what a bunch of losers!

who are you quoting

Fuck of luigi, nobody cares lol.

Of course in a clay oven, I know, but it is still more toppings and better crust than what the Yanks think is good.

>gets beat with logic tries to make it look like he won


Virginboi is salty





Nice one


Fuck you

You mean this one, right? Here's an alternative

Holy shit i dont think
Is baiting. I think he is seriously mad about pizza. Like the white knight of itally. Like instead of sex he things greasy itillians will just hand over pizzas for his heroic actions taken against people on the internet who prefer thin crust

Double take

>constantly eating huge greasy pizzas in the name of itally
>have diareah more often then not
>fight with strangers on the internet in a attempt to preserve the integrity of itally
>not easy white knighting with diareah 24/7
>but its the burden i bare
>for i am

>the wipe knight

>Not being English/Jewish Canadian masterrace








well fuck you too user


got me good

did you save a screenshot of you adding a banana to the picture?
why didn't you add the banana and saved the picture?


Look bro don't comment on meme magic if you haven't taken the time to study it

The obvious truth



You're right. Clearly I don't understand the complex mechanisms behind the creation of quality memes such as yours.

I promise to intensify my studies.

...so I win?


kek stupid bitch

fuck you