/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends

Come on now, y'all hit the bump limit with the last one and didn't bother starting a new thread?

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus 20:13&version=NIV

My grandfather was from Missouri and i want to visit the State in the future. Any advice or tip?
Is the state culturally southern or borderline north/south/midwest?

we did, died when i was asleep

/lat/ came to visit, it was very nice

the southern third of the state is culturally southern (we share the ozark mountains with them), but theyre basically midwest

really nice place tho

Thanks. I never been there even if my grandfather was an anglo from there. Definitely a State i want to visit unlike other europeans ''muh California, muh Florida, muh NY''

Good, remember to spend lots of money.

Gas the fags

Taxation is theft

>no Missouri
i bet the yankees are behind this

Yeah, I saw their little mini raid thing. Didn't know there was another thread. Would've bumped it myself but I had a big editing job to finish so I never saw. Got the shit done though.

Don't waste your time visiting the south or flyovers.

It's weird to see a European with American ancestors

How's /Dixie/ doing this morning?

Took a test

>biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus 20:13&version=NIV
wtf I HATE sodomites now

What test?


posteen trabucos

Why is lat coming here?

toy de visita nomas papu, vengo en son de paz
no la paraniquees

*posts ur mum*

*fuccs ur mum*

Really need to get autismflags on clover

>not "Fakin yer madır"


;__; i dont know if you guys remember me but my redneck boyfriend left me

Should have put out then

Fucking Sup Forums keeps thinking my posts are spam i just want to post the anthem of youth ffs

Im on vacation :3

Might have been the problem
>tfw no redneck bf

Gas the fags

Specifically c#^!w*y


Just get a new one

Maybe we should merge with lat for a change

You could call it a lateral merger.

The South lost the war and Southerners are inferior to Yankees.

Thank goodness we have Yank taxpayers to pay for our welfare


>Google my name for the hell of it
>somebody doxxed me on FunnyJunk in a post from 2011 trying to get random people to send me hate emails
fucking fight me irl nerd

>dude you can totally make Nuka Cola out of Coke, cream soda, and Mtn Dew
>nothing close to passionfruit or the substitute in any of those

Why not?
Yeah my grandfather was a soldier ... during the Italian Campaign he met my grandmother and later moved here in the early 50s. It isn't common i know

>Why not?
He's an asshurt coastie

I always thought it tasted like Dr Pepper

Sunset Sarsaparilla > Nuka ""Cola""

It's basically a mix between a fruit drink and a cola

brown gf tbqh

this tbqh y'all

>adderall xr costs $200 without insurance
jesus son of joseph

well at least i'll have a good fap tonight

you can make 17 flavors taste like anything 2bh
mtn dew, coke, and cream soda sounds disgusting though

yes please

That aint brown silly lard

Post em

i don't know man

[spoiler]sarsaparilla just tastes like root beer[/spoiler]

[spoiler]it's still good though[/spoiler]

no step on snek

Got no step on snek last time

what do you guys think about a merger with /lat/?

also your quiz sucks mate

could be fun for one thread

yeah, they seem like fun guys
but there is a language barrier

I keep changing from center left to center right in these

charge your phone

Its not great but i like the "indiffrent" choice.
Like sure, i think every product including marijuana should be legal, but i honestly dont give a shit if it isnt.
Same goes with gay marriage

there's one that also lets you choose how much you care about the particular issue you're responding to, but that takes too much time for me

Been on 1-10% for last 3 hours now

Also have no fucking idea how i always get center on lib-auth when i keep going economically libertarian and pro no government.

>Same goes with gay marriage
Constitution doesn't say anything about marriage, government shouldn't be involved at all. It started out as anti-miscegnation laws, don't understand why libruls are so fucking obsessed with it

social laws count as authoritarian

yeah there's not really any other slow English generals on the board besides /v4/, /mena/, and /asean/ and most of those are disasters waiting to happen if we merged.

/carib/ but idk if they're still a thing

They are super fucking slow, probably slower than us.
Which isnt too bad actually since that would mean our posters wouldnt suddenly drown in the other generals posts

they're beyond slow, we at least have a thread a day, they have a thread a week.

Balk maybe

Isn't balk in cyrillic

only Serbia, the rest are gud Catholic ex-Austro-Hungarian latin alphabet boys

>Amerilard edumacation
No it isnt

Why would I know or care

don't understand why this question is on a political test senpaitachi

haven't been on /v4/ in a while but they were pretty cool
i don't lurk /asean/; /mena/ has okay posters but some are really autistic
only thought about /lat/ because of the recent thing (plus they also wear cowboy hats in latin america)

they're in english
/balk/ includes romania and greece, which don't share alphabets or language families with cyrillic-slavic countries

>i don't lurk /asean/
Lot of gays

Bulgurs also use cycrillic, so does the montenegrin and kosovars. Greeks also have their own alphabet.
Not sure about hırvatland

They are constantly at front page?

>They are constantly at front page?
I've filtered all generals except this one

The one time i visited there some french moroccan autist girl was sharing pics of her belly.

I enjoy visiting other generals.
Other than /brit/
Fuck brit

I'm a liar, I still have /asean/ and /balt/ unfiltered.

/mena/ has that autistic Persian in Romania and most of the posts are people arguing with him

Did they doxxed mona already?

Also /rus/ is super comfy and slow

>>Did they doxxed mona already?
idk, if they did then I didn't see it

/rus/ is usually dead by the time I get there

I avoid /deutsch/ because it makes me hate germany and germans

mona is a guy lol

>mona is a guy
Even better

Deutsch posters and ikibey is the reason i filter germ flags tbqh

The few kartoffels I know IRL are cool people but I dislike em on the whole. Seems like every kraut has a stick up his ass.

Gonna grill some burgers later

The closest thing to an ethnic german (and not visiting turk diaspora) i managed to meet was a polish grill.
She had that quintessential northern yuropoor autism syndrome on her


Don't visit Missouri, it sucks

Visit Louisiana instead(gib money)

kys commie


kill all white people

This should be interesting. Evidently the officer who shot him was a male Latino named Jeronimo Yanez

Bashing police officers is the first choice for the left, his race doesn't matter




Why isn't authoritarian right the fedora one

Because most boomers are authoritarian right and aren't aware of fedora shit. It would apply in Sup Forums's case I guess, but for 2008/2012 Paulbots the fedora belongs to libertarian right.

Been doing a "limit your substance abuse to light drinking and maybe a little weed" for a year now and it's so fucking boring

I've already done all of the things, without enhancements it just feels repetitive.

I was sleeping.

