Can anyone remember their past lives?

Can anyone remember their past lives?

Do we get reincarnated, based on karma?

I remeber a past life where OP didnĀ“t swallow gallons of cum

Clearly you are obsessed with swallowing gallons of cum since you know so much about it

That's a goddamned lie. OP has always swallowed gallons of cum.

I have memories of being an old English warrior in battle. Weirdly enough, a psychic once told me I died of a spear through the abdomen in a large battle.

Generally I don't believe in that kind of thing. But it was a fun coincidence.

>making duplicate threads

All I've seen is how I died in the late 1700's, shot while leading my regiment from horseback, we were losing badly, I felt a sharp pain, slumped over in the saddle and then it goes dark.
I know it was a true vision and not some fanciful hyper real dream because i saw it from first person and third person views at the same time from up high like I was flying over the battlefield and then myself culminating in my death.
the horror of a battle back then is literally nightmarish... the screams of agony that thousands of dying men make is something I will never forget.

karma is real but the universe will usually give you what you can handle and if you have it coming, you'll get what you deserve.
Reincarnation is real so meditate and expand your understanding...
Eschew the desert death cults at all costs traveler.

Thanks for sharing, it means a lot to me. So if this reincarnation thing does exist, what is the end game to achieve like a one soul again with all the fragments scattered in the 7 billion currently on earth?

Stop masturbating on traps

Now that's really a grand question...

Liberation from matter, there are world's you can't see while being uh fully human I'll say
But before that, conquest of the ego
Expansion of spiritual consciousness, until it's cosmic
There are tests along the way... the dabbler, the unworthy, even the talented... they will be weeded out and fail.
A true heart can succeed.
It isn't easy. At all.

We are a likeness of God, divided into many pieces, reflecting on what we are. Truth isn't relative but we are. The only thing you can see... Is yourself.

Have you studied Kaballah? What do they mean when they say 190 years from now ?

Nice dubs and nice post. Blessings.

Uncanny how men tend to have been killed in battle in their former lives rather than dying of old age or something like appendicitis

It's more memorable maybe.

or just making shit up that they want to believe

I offered you a possibility. It sounds like you already have your mind made up.

They say children remember their past lives

ya...i have had dreams about past lives...i have had two of them..i believe i get to witness critical moments in those past i was a rice farmer and wondering if i would fight the americans...the other was an ancient place, and was asked to join the priesthood, but i was in love with this girl and didnt know what to do..

It sounds like you both already have your minds made up.

One makes a valid point that it seems too convenient that everyone who remembers their past life remembers a grand death of some kind.

The suggestion that it's "more memorable" sounds reasonable, but misses the mark in my opinion. I think it's fair to say that to an outsider, a person dying in battle is more memorable than another who dies of a mundame illness, but to the person who fights an illness for years, only to succumb to it, their death is no doubt as memorable to themself as the fighters death is respectively to himself.

That being said, i don't think everyone is just making it up.

Occam's Razor suggests the most logical option is most likely, to me it seems more likely that these are false memories - since false memories are well established among most people, and we know our memories can't be trusted. Granted , this is usually on a much smaller scale, but even so, this seems more likely to me than either options the two of you presented.

Tl;dr: there is no reason to think that either death is more important or memorable to the person experiencing it, amd I believe that those who have these memories do indeed have these memories, but i think they are false ones.

Bit also this is Sup Forums so your mom gay fuck you both

How old where you when you first remembered this

Eloquently stated sir.

i was around 22 or 23 when i had both of these dreams...they were not on the same night but they were with a year or so of each other..

>Can anyone remember their past lives?

no, because there is no such thing

stop being a fool