Alright niggas, today's my 18th birthday. Say something nice about me/ama

Alright niggas, today's my 18th birthday. Say something nice about me/ama

did it hurt?

Nah, I was under the whole time. Appendectomy. During flu season, ironically enough.

are you black?

No wtf I would never

oh i just assumed you got shot

Drink bleach

are you holding a dick in your hand?

how u doing

Happy birthday!

No that's my thumb. I'm black.
Alright, not bad. Keep forgetting today's my birthday, though. Just doesn't feel like it, you know?
Nice fucking tid

Where you resisting?

where are you from?

a tid without a timestamp don't count

hbd though bro, make sure to head over to /biz/ to buy some cryptocurrencies as you are now a grown up,


Sorry I didn't have a marker. Where do you live OP?

I dunno, you tell me where.
Grew up in NY, the Bronx, currently living in Georgia.
Bitcoin is dead tho, no?
Vape gay lol

>Say something nice about me
Your thumb is almost white

If I was black I would wear reflective body paint so I could show up in dark pictures/ride my bike at night

>ride my bike at night

did you meet your father?
If so, for how long?

This better?
My whole life, but he's an asshole and I hate him. He abused my whole family and molested my 11 year old sister. He's in jail now, still in NY.

damn post some pics of your sister then

She's 12 now, fat, and ugly. Think my old man was just desperate.

why are u black

Are YOU handicapped?

>She's 12 now

even better man do some creepshots
You have the skills to be sneaky
i believe in you

you look like a friendly person that I'd like to get to know

I'm black?
Thanks man. I like to think I'm a cool guy.