Do you peasants even know how to cut bread the right way

Do you peasants even know how to cut bread the right way.
bloody slice plebs

You fucked up the crust, hone that skill and come back to us poopfag

That looks like dog shit

Looks like absolute shit whatever it is.

Uncut is superior

what the FUCK is that

Looks like Andy Sixx's Log.
You're not supposed to cut it you're supposed to slidde it siren your throat and have it clog

is that babka?

you're not funny.

>cut bread
>not breaking bread like a Patrician
gtfo Peasant

get on my level

Litterally the first time this stupid meme made me laugh.

this, because first of all this was the first time that meme made sense because there is context

Nah one got me a few weeks back on a thread about data collection and other nerdy shit. In response to a post that had "backlog" in it was just a closeup of that fucker, in the middle of all this techie garbage. Pretty solid meme if you ask me.

forced meme, it's only funny because it's so forced

thanks for the review felix

>bread from the oven
>cut in pie slices
>all of my keks

yes, unlike you. its a loaf of bread not a fucking cake

Anytime duder.
Every single meme ever was forced. Some just have broader context that the redditors can latch on to


They make some bread already sliced.

Get on my level.

thats a pretty crumby job TBH