What professions will be viable in 5+ years from now?? How would a job tier list look like??

What professions will be viable in 5+ years from now?? How would a job tier list look like??

I'm a civil engineering but I don't like my field, so I'm thinking about going to college again. I'm thinking about computer science or psychology, but I really want something that will be viable in the future (this artificial intelligence stuff will kill most carreers).

PS: I desagree with the pic, it's just an example

Well we're always going to need electricity and its too dynamic a job for a machine to do at least right now

Computer science is very good

I know that people that work with computer science are the ones who will work with IA. But I'm afraid that most IT jobs will be taken by these bots made by them.
I mean...it sounds strange, but programming machines is something that machines can do.

Young Sheldon fan fiction writer.
Young Sheldon dvd delivery person.
Young Sheldon cosplay artist (if good).

Been working as a freelance musician, sound design and voice over for several years. Money has consistently been good. But think it does belong in the "meh" tier.


Based Young Sheldon poster

¿what is life sciences? ¿is not the same as psychology?

>college education
Isn't that... all of them?

if you're in the USA going into computer science is a meme.

Any company larger than 50 people is chomping at the bit to offshore the programming to india and just pay a few people in the US to do the high level design and to manage the pajeets. If you ever hear "24 hour development" in the interview, that means that every day you're gonna have to deal with brown people on the other side of the planet fucking up the codebase or not doing their work, and refusing to speak up when there's problems. Everybody wants STEM workers, they just don't want American STEM workers, and will do whatever it takes to hire as few as legally possible.

Healthcare, Computer science, Finance

let me add instead of deleting and re-posting.

If you can confidently say you'll leave college with an internship ,a phone app with an actual user-base, a specialty "track", officer positions in a few STEM-based clubs, AND a 3.5 or higher GPA, then sure, go into computer science. Otherwise, do a code camp, read constantly, work on personal projects, git gud with java/kotlin or a M$ language, and pray they still need human codemonkeys by the time you're ready for a job.

>and pray they still need human codemonkeys by the time you're ready for a job.

That's what is holding me back from computer science. I believe most jobs will be taken by AI (of course it will happen in most fields, but ironically the programming field is heavily
susceptible to that).

People like to eat good food made by other people, whether they are living in a billion dollar skyscraper or in a cell. That won't change perhaps ever until we're not people anymore.

Too bad being a chef or a cook fucking sucks.

I'm god tier myself (geophysics), but things like transportation, park administration, and education are probably going to be around for a long time since it is hard to automate those careers. They might only make 50k/year, but when the AIs come, that will be a solid salary

Out of all the physical sciences, geology is actually one of the newest fields, only getting its start in the early 1900's, while being much less intensive than things like quantum mechqnics and particle physics.

In particular, the fields of biogeology and exoplanetary geology are rapidly growing.

Law is meh tier lmao

If only you knew

post your list


I don't listen to orders of persons