Livestream full of senile, peace loving cunts. Lets raid

Livestream full of senile, peace loving cunts. Lets raid.

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Get on ya cunts.

The mod deletes everything that even slightly goes of topic from the livestream. He will loose his shit.

Starts T-10m from now.

Soldier in position. Bump.

Not enough soldiers in place. Postoponed to T-15min

Ok. Final postpone T-30min or 8PM CET.

T-25mins left.

kk user

>1 poster

This cam is gay as fuck

agree, and im the japanese guy

So what's this stream about?

i came in promise of a raid, not livestream watching.

some cunt better shoot up the live cam real soon


Flood anons.

The bird stream is better

no chat

So what??

Baby Eagles! Merica!

The old fucks were watching lmao. Now they're talking on another stream that they've never seen such horrible language. great anons. Post some shit at will if you havent been banned.

Who the fuck said some retard is going to show up and raid irl?



Lool, the old fucks can't belive what happened. This is probably the most peace loving stream ever. We just shattered their world.

Flood if you're not banned. They're now talking about it

I didn't lie you cunts. We flooded the chat, those peace loving cunts can't belive the language lmao. Just flood it futher if you're not muted.

OP here. Let's try that again!

kk, just flood. They're watching, but they are not speaking lmao.