Would you have sex with this 49 year old from Tinder?

Would you have sex with this 49 year old from Tinder?

I think it's a guy



If its got pussy and atleast above a 4/10 face, im fuckin!

I'm fairly certain most of Sup Forums would fuck a meat grinder.

nothing says damaged goods like a 40 year old slut on tinder.

maybe a single mom with 2 kids.

I don't gaf if she's damaged do you like the look of her?

Fuck no. It's Tinder, user. Sure she looks somewhat fuckable in her pic, but she's displaying the most flattering pictures of herself that she has. They might be old too. You're gonna drive 41 miles and find some disgusting flabby hag.

49. 47. she’s getting younger!

give a fake name and plow away bro. 40 year old on tinder are crazier than two rats in a tin shit house so make sure she cant find you after...

If she's the only one you matched with in a fucking 100mile radius than you can't be a chooser user. Gotta eat that beaver! Imagine your some kind of carnivorous piece of hardwood.

I'd let her jerk me off.

Every woman gets younger.

Sure, I'm desperate enough.

Fuck yes.

What do you like about her?

I'd fuck anything with a vagina that wasn't
Fat at this point.

1) She's 49 so probably knows a few tricks.
2) Obviously in need of a dick.
3) Looks decent for a 50 year old.

That's so fucking sad... Would fuck tho

>Asking a bunch of socially depraved virgins whether or not they'd have sex with anything

It cleary says Gypsy in her description. That should be a worse deal breaker than her having aids and being a dude.

I AM 49. It's possible to still be sexy af even when you're as old as 51, although 52 year olds are gross.

I'd rather puke blood