Be me semi csgo pro

>be me semi csgo pro
>be in team
>the team players are DTL,little tic,rains,SXN,and me
>be playing game
>win game
>tell little tic a bad joke
>he raging
>blocks me
>feels bad.jpag
>get on discord
>he’s on before playing next match tell he to for give me and let’s be friends again
>he said sure
>5 mins later starting to play
>I get kick from discord
>the fuck
>everyone blocks me
>texts little tic
>the man called me a bitch boy
>mfw no pro scene for me
>mfw he called me a bitch boy
>what do /b

find new friends?

Grow some balls?

you really think someone who behaves like that will make it anywhere in the pro leagues? Those kind of weak links are what snap with the pressure really gets on, when you're playing other pro players who work together communicate well etc. You will get destroyed by a real team who doesn't fuck around if your teammates are getting triggered by little jokes and banning you for fun. Go find another team.

What was the joke?

What makes every little girl unhappy?
- When you wipe your dick off with her teddy

Play source you newfaggot

what made you tell such a horrible joke

What's the best hotel in the world?
- Hotel Auschwitz with over 9 million stars

If I was your friend I would have kicked you off the team also

Yeah, you deserved to be kicked from the group for that joke alone bud. Enjoy getting kicked from your next team too.

"Mommy why is my backpack so heavy today?"

"Allah akhbar my son, Allah akhbar"

You have no sense of humor. Fuck off normies.

>ITT : OP Deserved it.

The head of Sup Forums will be hearing about this prepared to be banned

> head of Sup Forums
Kek. Go back to /MLP/

You're sick if you think this was funny

Very much this, user's friends are little bitches and so are those 2 user's.

What do women and clouds have in common?

Occasionally they fuck off and it's a nice day.

Call him a cuck
Join a rival clan

It's funny. Piss off you hyper sensitive faggot, y u even here?

>semi pro csgo players

more like fully pro faggots

Get a real job you fucking waste case

You've just fallen for one of my classic Sup Forums trickerys. I bet you feel like idiots now

Under-rated comment right here

You probably got kicked cause you told it wrong.

>How do you make a little girl cry twice

You've fallen for my baited bait. Baitception nigga

You've fallen for my baited bait bait. Baitceptionception nigga.

You dont understand the deep cynism of the joke. The fact that the spectator rates the dirty teddy more important is deeply cynical. With your way of telling this cynism dies.