Why can't I find this bitch's name?!

Why can't I find this bitch's name?!

Did you just assume she has a name!?!?


Her name is Valarie Cuntraptor

This shouldn't be that difficult.

I don't think that's correct.

totally is

Just wait til the next election.. I'm sure they cycle through the same crisis actors regularly.

I don't even know why I care so much. I think it's because she is the epitome of everything wrong with modern women and I have no way to contact her to tell her to shut her fucking mouth.

what is this screenshot even from?

What's this lady's name?

I've tried Googling every variation I can think of and I still have no idea.


What's this douchebag's name?


This woman needs to be interviewed



>Why can't I find this bitch's name?
Try searching in mental facilities


She's Ms. Cockmongler





That look of pure, concentrated, impotent, yet absolute rage is just fucking precious. What do you think he's saying to her?


Something about two genders, probably.

and of course...

You pretty much spent time trying to post pictures as a counter argument in a thread no one actually cares.

why does he have chinky eyes?

captain murca

Thats Mellisa Click isnt it.

I'm not sure how exactly an ass hole can be racist...
It probably take black people more effort to poop or something right?

Nobody's there user.