/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/


A comfy general for the three main powers of Europe.

This is a place for friendly discussion on culture, history, relations.
Post music, art, feels, qts, have good banter and laughs

Other urls found in this thread:


>dat lazy eye

Second for pretty European landscapes

/anime/ uezs

>main powers of Europe
Yep we're fucked. LMFAO

Carolus when?

Was Sweden ever a major player in European affairs?

They fucked shit up in the 30 years war

can't unsee

Start of 30-year-war until 1720s

Hey krauts, I need your help
What does Sozialversicherungsausweise means?
I need to provide a copy of this to a company. I understand it's some kind of social security card, but I guess my French "carte vitale" won't do

>Use of the Schwedentrunk is recorded in the histories of towns throughout Southern Germany. Though specific circumstances differed, in every case a restrained and gagged victim was forced to swallow (by means of a funnel) a large amount of unappetizing, sometimes boiling liquid. Substances such as urine, excrement, liquid manure, and sullage were used for this purpose.

>Apart from disgust, illness, and the possibility of bacterial infection, the Schwedentrunk inflicted intense gastric pain. Because liquids are incompressible, the victim's stomach and bowels must expand to painful proportions to accommodate the copious quantities of fluid. The torturers then squeezed the distended belly with wooden boards or trampled the victim underfoot.

means social insurance cards

A copy of that card is probably enough. We have basically the same thing with that lil chip

american colonies

greater mexico

Yet no one here speaks english, get good

we don't. what the fuck are you talking about? the shit in his picture isn't a krankenkassenkarte

ich würde gerne eine 30-45 jährige gutaussehende frauen kennenlernen die auf jüngere männer steht


>George VI of the United Kingdom was the last European ruler to claim an imperial title; when he abdicated as Emperor of India in 1948, the last active use of the title imperator in the West ceased. It was thereafter used only historically, or as a Latin translation for certain continuing titles of non-European cultures, such as Japan.

we need a new European Empire lads


Absolutely Swedish

>he's a monarchist

British republicans tend to be treasonous self-hating numales

/fug/, you're cordially invited to the /fr/ summer camp
Be nice, do not spoil the creation of others

the kind of people who apologise for the falklands war I imagine

Cromwell wasn't he hated paddies

>All these non /fug/ flags
Irrelevant and/or unrefined countries begone.

Modern day British republicans then

yeah if more people were like cromwell this wouldn't be the case

>he isn't a monarchist
>he is still falling for the recucklic meme

Expanding the EU beyond this was a mistake.

>Wales and Scotland

Nah mate

What's wrong with Aquitaine

no bully

>yankee tool to force economic contest
It was a mistake from the very beginning and the anglo is to blame.

literally all france and germany's fault

ok. now with C*lts out.

I presume you're meme'ing, but I really don't get it with monarchists. Like, what happens when the closeted homo monarch takes a liking to you, rapes you and kills you so you can't tell anyone? Or wants to hunt you for sport?

I don't get it.

Is this good enough for a UK flag ? It's only 10x20 but I tried my best.
>C*lts out
>Keeps Aquitaine
AYOOO we wuz gauls and shit

>C*lts out
>Keeps Kernow

Cornwall is not England sweetie

Id believe you if they could speak cornish.

Northerners can't speak english yet they're still part of England, it doesn't mean much.

So you believe in linguistic nationalism? All the T*rks and Africans who come and learn German are as German as you are?

>inb4 you recycle the same insult for me
Tá Gaeilge líofa agam.

Eh, fine.
When im bored I like to draw inaccurate fantasymaps so this I wont contest it any further.

user chill out (and fuck off btw) you don't need to sperg out like that.
It's alright, it's still fun frankly

Irish don't like it when you tell them their language isn't real.

But we're celts

Throughout our twentieth-century history, the Irish language was incredibly useful against the British. It was like Navajo code talkers, and, obviously, your security services were too stupid to learn Irish.

i almost agree but "great" britain should be removed. Provided that we annexed switzerland and that southern italy be nuked off the map, CECA/EGKS was what the European Union should have stayed as

>Only notable achievement of the Irish people is being so weak they don't even need to learn their language
That's sad.

That's not what I said at all.

I don't think you understand the purpose of monarchy.

It's a romantic ideal to strive for, an image of purity, nobility and duty that inspires the ordinary man. The monarch isn't as important themselves as what they're supposed to represent. Gods among men.

I'd say modern day journalism and online media has ruined the "above us" image we had of monarchs.

But yeah, essentially they're supposed to be images and models of inspiration, a leader of the spirit of a nation, that's far more powerful than any elected politician

It's true though

What you are talking about isn't related to monarchy, they're symptoms of concentration of powers and totalitarianism.
How many civil wars and revolts were there in Kingdoms about abuse from the Crown ? Same with contestation of the throne by other noble houses.
Monarchies rose to power because of the system and culture of the time. They aren't just born in nobility, most of the time they were warriors and defended their land.
Nowadays it's kinda irrelevant, because of National armies and all, but it doesn't mean they don't have a place, just not the same. In england, nobility really doesn't have the same power as it used to have, but still performs well in business and academy.

Same in France, just look at ministers and deputies and such, that's where you'll find the De something

Now that I finally found an unbiased place to ask this

I want to travel to France and the UK in the near future and I need to know: Do the ppl in these countries really hate us as much as Sup Forums says? I just want to know before I offend someone with my presence.


I don't want some pity answers tho. I want really honest answers.

I don't know for the UK, but you should have no problem in France
Don't believe the memes
As long as you're not shouting things in German, you're fine

No, not at all. Maybe one in a million old people would be slightly wary of you, but even then I doubt it.

doesn't get more real than this
if people don't even mind the immigrants that mow them down in the streeets with AKs why do you think they would hate the neighbour that has been castrated for over 70 years

Worst thing you'll get here in the South West will be cheeky comments about not being able to tan, nazi jokes (grossly imitating german while shouting) and all, but it's not really hatred.
And you come as a tourist, not as an invader (Just let the panzers at home).
It's been 70 years. Don't worry.

>grossly imitating german while shouting
how original

Well... that's a stereotypes user.

I find it funny personally

it's literally all memes, you're taking Sup Forums too seriously


It's not like we don't do it with "le French Accent Baguette Xd"

>honhon le baguette voulez vous couchez avec moi

We're also know for having shit humor.
[spoiler]For a reason[/spoiler]

I'm addicted to French toast Tbh

Why are people on /fug/ mostly nationalists?

Am I invited?

>Not making fun of the biggest weakness in the French language

Special vip guest

>frenchman politely inquires about my country
>"ouai ouai monsieurrrrrrrrr j'adore les frog legs"

it's a lost bread, stop calling it french toast reeee

Ich verstehe nicht die letzte Stück

This is what German sounds to an untrained French ear
Yes but don't tell anyone else. You're our friend but it must stay an exception

because we're not on reddit

>the biggest weakness in the French language
what is it?

Karolus, serenissimus augustus, a Deo coronatus, magnus pacificus imperator, Romanum gubernans imperium, qui et per misericordiam Dei rex Francorum et Longobardorum*

We don't give a shit about nominative, accusative, and co I guess

>It's a romantic ideal to strive for, an image of purity, nobility and duty that inspires the ordinary man.
And that really worked, which is why nearly every monarchy on earth was overthrown due to monarchical abuses.

>I don't think you understand the purpose of monarchy.
I hate when people say this. I understand perfectly. I just know it to be wrong.

>I'd say modern day journalism and online media has ruined the "above us" image we had of monarchs.
That's a lot of obfuscation when you could have just said "truth."

>What you are talking about isn't related to monarchy, they're symptoms of concentration of powers and totalitarianism.
What do you think monarchism involves?

>inb4 constitutional monarchy
Constitutional monarchy is just a half-measure towards republicanism. If you'd proposed constitutional monarchy at any point for over a thousand years, you'd have been executed for treason and probably heresy.

>They aren't just born in nobility, most of the time they were warriors and defended their land.
Initially, then their 5X great-grandson was a limp-wristed despot.

>In england, nobility really doesn't have the same power as it used to have, but still performs well in business and academy.
The best degree any member of the royal family has ever had is a 2:1 in Art History.

British lads bullied me in a pub when I was visiting Bristol. They called me escargot boy.

Jokes on them they bought me 4 pints in total when I beat them playing pool

Reminder that Charlemagne is a corruption of Shirley Mane (síorllyfn mêr) and he was an ethnic Celto-Brython

>Karolus Magnus
>Shirley Mane

The Lorraine accent

finally someone dares speak the truth
breizh atao lads

Ayoo his real name was charlus De Mangus and he wus an afrikan KANG
>Breton knight
Top kek Yannick, back to the Crêperie. You need to eat your daily tub of butter.

It's Yannig for the bretons

*slays you* nothing personnel...frank..

Don't need to know how to write breton names to mock you.

>"verdammten Arschlöcher"
>fucking assholes

It's a voice clip by a guy called Rainer "Drachenlord" Winkler, a german metalhead who has a Lets Play channel on yt. He is mostly famous for being incredibly low IQ and very easy to trigger. He gained so much "fame" that quite a lot of people here go on a kinda pilgrimage to his house and stalk him around his home town. While that is kinda mean spirited, he himself is not much better, so don't feel to bad for him. The voice clip is part of one video of "haters" following him around in his village.

So britlads, I'll need your help with your language.

In German, when a waiter brings you your food, he may say something like "Bitteschön". In English, would they say anything at all? If so, what would they say?

Thats called a Armer Ritter you americanzied Retard

German autism sounds awesome.
Is this part of it ?
Awesome songs don't win wars.
But it is an awesome song nonetheless.

what does uezs means?

t b h