How will Sup Forums ever recover?

How will Sup Forums ever recover?

Lol preds are winning loser.

>he's from reddit




I am not, the preds are a true good team. Barely beating a canadian team is not an accomplishmnent

>41-41 is a true good team
lol it's not, they got hot at the right moment, it happens, even shitty Philly won 10 straight at one point. Meanwhile pens won 50 in by far the best division

The metropolitan division fuckin sucks and is the little bitch show pony division why don't you go fuck yourself sweetie because you're wrong.


Why sould Sup Forums have to recover? Leaffags got blown the fuck out yet again. If anything, Sup Forums was happy.

by rooting for them against the predditors

Did something happen?

This comment alone shows you have no idea what you're talking about

>Pittsburg Penguins
There are no penguins in Pittsburg

What did they mean by this?

>grey poupon
>is yellow

>unaware leaves actually hate ottawa and are cheering for crosbys team

Penguins are more than likely going to win.

I can see NSH pushing it to six games, but that's about it.

the best logo

Let them have their moment.

Another American blowing leafs.

>watching hockey

The arena they originally played in was called The Igloo.