
White People 2020 edition.

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I wish that I was Superman ;_;


there is literally nothing wrong with being up again

without context you wouldn't be able to tell this happened in england

bit grisly

seems a bit 'no on' to publish in a newspaper tbqh


>a bunch of pakis
What a tragedy.

the chune


heh don't worry about it Goy
here are some handy pills for you, expensive but you DO want to be normal and happy don't you?
oh what's that, you feel like you're a woman deep down? here are some more pills [$$$] and oh it just so happens that my company also owns a major cosmetics corporation as well, gotta BUY all that makeup and perfume to be a *reeeal* woman right??
and remember to take these pills twice a day forever or else you might feel depressed again and disgusted by the abomination you've become, wouldn't want that now would we?
my brother Cohen runs a nice psychiatric firm as well if you need extra [$$$] help

*dumps industrial byproduct and chemical waste into the water system to be consumed by the people*

worse than me then I guess
never been more than 10st and I'm currently about 9

Definitely don't need to see any of this. Rough as fuck.

Just hit 'Shuffle' on spotify a few times and logged the results

it definitely isnt shuffled, theres a massive bias towards my recent tracks and stuff i saved early on hardly appears at all

what the fuck
how do i ACTUALLY shuffle on spotify?

London isn't England any more.

rip big tony

Were there any white people in this burnt tower block??


why didnt the french electorate care about the wikileaks files that showed macron had secret cayman island bank accounts n shieet

what exam did you do lad

the only white people in there are white hot

the DSM-V says "too much creativity" is a mental illness

Feel like pure shit just want her back


a few. thankfully this fire didnt happen 30 years ago.

sent an email to the promoter :x


would love to beat the people responsible for bongo to death

no it doesn't

fuck off leftypol

lol do you fancy men then? gay boy


wtf i hate capitalism now

Imagine if the Brits had kept all that French land. They'd have become a superpower before the term was even created

Rosa Luxembourg
fuck off irish twat

Remember when the traditional method of vigilante justice taken against child molestors was to burn their house down?
Remember all those pedophile rape gangs that were exclusively Pakistani muslims?
Remember how many of the people in the Grenfell tower that burned down were Pakistani muslims?

Just sayin'.

wish we'd get our rightful lands in france returned to us

what was the British Empire then

>click verify once there are none left
no thanks xx


it was Tommy Robinson!

>he can't see the Spartan beauty in a writhing effeminate underclass ruled by an ultra-masculine enlightened elite

>Remember all those pedophile rape gangs that were exclusively Pakistani muslims?
lefties deliberately try to forget this and actively cover up the full extent of the rape and abuse. muslims cant do anything wrong and islam is perfect remember?


these are the cunts who ruined the language


it literally does, along with "defiance"

I'd imagine the British empire would have been even larger as the homeland would have been able to sustain more colonies

"literally" does not

Two words rorkey boy..

Jimmy Saville


Lotta talk about "white" lately.

Either someones trying to help this white people or trying to hurt.

I'll go with help.

But anyway the last guy that killed white people in Fresno btw didn't get too far before the popo did their job and well.

HEHE Heroes.

fuckin racists
all of you

still feel a bit ill the headache he is still there

damn right i am


Please be my feminine bf not a racist promise x

that's an epiphone right?

are there any white cunts left in london lmao

I'll race you at the track any day.


people in the town centre mirin my vape cloud

no its a mentally ill man holding a teddy bear

is he mental hahaha

post elliots

I can understand people being worried about reprisals against innocent Pakistani muslims, if what happened were fully exposed. But pretending it didn't happen (and is probably still going on all over the country), trying to sweep it under the rug, it just makes people that much angrier.

And why such lenient sentences for the guilty? Why no consequences for those who neglected their duty and allowed it to happen? You look at the obviously pro-Islam agenda in the media and you have to wonder just what the fuck is going on.

autistic weeaboo apprentice at my work just got fired
hope I don't get stabbed

Spend too much of my life waiting for public transport

'uter is 67% updated
edit: 68%
edit2: 69% (lol)



Taught my southern gf to pronounce Bath as "bath" instead of "baaaarth"


how embarasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssing for him what he did.

anyone wanna cuddle? x

Need a Katia gf

>Hot hot

fucking outlook double sent my email REEEEEEEEEEEE

*murders three abnormie asians in their sleep*
ah yes

anyone who kills a bunch of californians is fine by me

now go have one smelly bastard


Barth > Bath

that's like teaching a housetrained dog to start shitting on the carpet

tsk tsk

Published on 16 Jun 2017
(Continued - with Guitar - 'I Could Write a Book' - 'Turn It On Again' - 'Superstar' - 'Babe I Love You' - with Gibson Les Paul Guitar - 'Running Wild' - with Yamaha LS6 Acoustic Guitar - 'Honeysuckle Rose' and improvisation on Piano at the end of the video)
- Covers filmed by and of me Timothy James Byrne in my rented flat in High Wycombe on 16 June 2017
- I show an 'Oxford Health' appointment which I was forced in to on 14 June 2017
- I use my Gibson Guitar purchased in Oxford on 13 April 2017
- I use the PMT bought Gibson Guitar lead which was delivered to me about mid-day 27 April 2017 by DPD
- I show a re-occurring message sent to my social media by 'Marcus Hausen' - If he is to do with DPD I am a customer of theirs in my flat here - so ??? or WTF if you like! - this also sent to me 29 April 2017
- I mention I have recently applied for a USA green card

Who's a good boy?

WHO'S a good boy!

where is this bucks reee
where is this bucks reee

well done

>anyone who kills a bunch of californians is fine by me


according to the left, the rape and abuse of tens of thousands of young girls over decades was a necessary sacrifice on the altar of multiculturalism.

the lefties in this thread literally refuse to discuss it whenever its brought up.

Say it to my face fucker and see what happens.

Protip: Don't do it.

*opens the door*
*gets on the floor*

what are you lads doing for your old man this Sunday?


labour voters actually beginning to make me sick

might need to disassociate from them and their toxic behaviour

not talking about leftypol, talking about the utter cretins I see posting shite on Facebook

so ??? or WTF if you like!

>generalizing the left
fuck off


let's discuss it then rorkey boy
It was identified as a pattern of criminal behaviour by the police in about 2001-2 and hundreds of men have been charged and imprisoned. What would you like to discuss about it?


fuck off yank