1. your country

1. your country
2. your honest opinion on Brazil and Brazilians

you mean argentina and argies


Shithole full of illiterate monkeys and some white fascists that live in gated beach cities controlling it all

cool country

not the best at football but they are trying. other than that I am indifferent.

I think Brazil is UMA DELÍCIA

i met a german once he went into a favela party with prostitutes.. i never heard from him again..

>your honest opinion on Brazil
great country full of beautiful landscapes and plenty of resources
>and Brazilians
holy shit i've never met people more fake and dishonest, they SUCK
you faggots complain all the time about unitedstatians, try making partnership with a brazilian

Shit country, shitty people, shitty infrastructure, shitty economy, shitty government.

>holy shit i've never met people more fake and dishonest, they SUCK
care to elaborate? how are they fake?

a plagued land which I had the unfortunate luck to be born in

not much of an opinion really. heard the country is pretty bad in the northern part. drugs and all that. rio looked nice. no comment on brazilians except why do they always make hardcore porn like asians do?

>country is pretty bad in the northern part.

All of Brazil is bad, it's just that the northern part is like a never ending nightmare.

Brazil needs eugenics, the northern portion of Brazil needs nuclear blasts.

we should have exterminated you
and stop typing from your ass

Brasilians are total bros
I want to visit Brasil one day

I like you m8s, almost everything i ate the past month were brazilian so you saved many venezuelan lifes


>hot women
>cancerous online vidya players
>street violence
>great music (big fan of Jorge Ben Jor and Flora Purim)
>Emperor Pedro II
>Blanka and Eddy Gordo

Generally I quite like you Brazil, I hope to visit you someday.

They scare me, I feel like it's a shithole filled with rapists and thieves

It is.

Rapists are not common in Brazil. It is something very repudiated

good posts
bad posts




The PhD students who come to France are nice, and like to party.

My first ever Runescape gf was Brazilian, so I always had a thing for those macacos.

1. Spen
2. AIDS and monkey soup

you're the worst poster i know all of your posts

less violent mexico

oh noes detective macaco is onto me, please don't throw me into the pot

around 8 years ago i was still in middle school and i saw a brazilian girl irl forget the circumstances she had great facial feature dark olive skin blond hair and green eyes that's what i remember that was coup de foudre i still love her desu

Brazil is not even color coded
seems like a "no data" situation

His post is humor.


R8 me ;)

Sub-human niggers, get your umbanda shit out of my country fucking scumbags

When i got raped back in 2007, i went to the police and they said "it's not my problem", so in Brazil you can't even report rape.

our only friend 4ever in LA and a great commercial partner but you made many political and economic failures and now you fall and fall

falling with the dicks in your anus


do you have umbanda in your country?
maybe the memes are not that inaccurate.

Beautiful country that I would like to visit
I have never known a Brazilian, I'll go with what I'm told here on Sup Forums and of videos of all the pick pocketing and bag/phone snatching. I'm sure it's not all bad.

If you are going to invade us, please do it when you get better, thank you. (same thing for argies)

Os brasileiros são animais

Brazilian men have great bundas

maybe it wasn't his problem

1. HUE
2. HUE

noise polluted dirt coloured ghettos and retarded dirt coloured monkeys

I honestly don't know what to think about this country I have mixed feelings


It's only rape if he's wh*te

Thought she (or he) was hanging was hanging themselves from the thumbnail. I'm thinking too much about suicide

Why are there so many videos of brazilians getting shot on liveleak?

How bad is the situation on your side, bro?
Are there any signs of your shitty government going down or are the population so brainwashed by now that going back is not an option?

Hello my white friend.

Because everyone likes watching other people getting shot.

1. USA
2. They seem to be backward and very hateful towards people that aren't European, but it might just be a financial thing.

This makes me wonder why it's a financial thing in the first place though.


what the fuck are you talking about, 70% of the population is mixed or black



I see a lot of Brazilians in my area and many of them were doctors, dentists, or some sort of professionals/enterpreneurs there.
Is Brazil that bad to the point that everyone with decent brain leaves?
I just imagine Brazil to be like South Africa or the Philippines tier bad

Yes it is

If they could reduce the crime rate and maybe try improving living standards. I would move there.

1. canada
2. Worse than kebabia. This is a kind of shithole that (((they))) want developed cunts to turn into

Idk. I am originally from S Korea. Among young people there, saying S Korea is hell and immigrating to Europe for gibs has been a huge thing.
BUT I just felt any Latin American country is at different level after I went to the US.
It just seemed to me that SK people leave their country for better quality of life but Latin Americans leave their region just to survive as human beings.

>2. Worse than kebabia. This is a kind of shithole that (((they))) want developed cunts to turn into
Too true. It's what the (((jews))) are conspiring to turn the entire world into.

Hot desu


We don't hate everyone that isn't European.
We hate Americans.
In fact, all of South America hate you guys. Not just us.
The fact that you don't even know how your country is responsible of all the shit happened here in the last 60 years just makes we hate you even more.
South America stood in the crossfire between North America and the Soviet Union during the cold war.
All our bloody dictatorships and shitty governments and the Left/Right social conflict that still exists in South America today is all because of the USA and USSR playing ideological chess using our governments and our people's lives as pawns.

Imagine the North/South Korean conflict but in a continental scale.
It was basically USA sponsoring fascist bloody dictatorships while the USSR sponsored radical left-wing terrorist groups.
We forgive Russians because they were the victims of their own shitty dictatorship. But you guys, you were too busy becoming fat and rich to care about anything else, while the rest of the world was being butt fucked by your government's foreign policy.

bullshti, our women love americans

it's really only radical leftists that care about that historical shit
americans get treated like kings here

Brazil is not a huge favela though.
We have lots of places where there is absolutely no violence and living standards are great.
Coincidentally, these are places with little to no blacks and mestiços.

There is no such thing as a woman that doesn't want to fuck foreigners. Its not a Brazil only thing. And its not exclusive to women too.

Basically anyone that have read any book about South American history thinks like that. South America is the huge shitfest that it is right now only because global powers took turns fucking us in the ass ever since they first set their foots here.
Foreigners are treated well because they're rich. Its like that rich uncle or cousin that gets pampered by everyone in family reunions.

>Basically anyone that have read any book about South American history thinks like that.
Ninguém liga pra história, véi. Só gordinhos virgens de internet.


brazil is more violent than mexico but brazil is nothing like mexico lol we wuz kangs they are amerindians

We're still amerindians
But WE WUZ tlatoanis

>We have lots of places where there is absolutely no violence and living standards are great.

So does Pakistan and Kenya and Nigeria and Tunisia...

Please translate this

That's a proxy, not a real brazilian.

pls bring more monies

decent looking people, dunno why people think they are all good-looking from few examples.

overall though the country seems to have way too many dumb people to function properly, i can see why the few smart ones either fuck out of there or stay and be corrupt since the rest of the people can't be relied upon to create a good country.

>decent looking people, dunno why people think they are all good-looking from few examples.
Yeah the average brazilian woman is not good looking, man. They look like tiny chubby brown things.

white country

Fuck off weeb.

He is not wrong though. Your country has the achievement of having bigger murder rates than us.

I thought BRs were thin and had a fitness culture?


yeah we get a few here and they seem average to attractive, but not stand out. seems like overall normal girls though.

i have a feeling the country is full of instagram-type that don't really take care of themselves and just throw on makeup and age horribly. this is common in north america and leads to vile looking women in a few years. plainer, less superficial and less caked girls seem to age better imo.

it's so fucking close it might as well be the same thing

i'm japanese


loooool no

>half the murder rate of our closest competitor

man we're too good for this shithole hemisphere

Not really, here in Porto Alegre the girls are fat and don't give a fuck. Going to the gym is more of a status thing than actually improving your body here.

Portuguese wiki is usually wrong in your stats

this is average brazilian gurl also she's heavily into feminism and wont take shit from no man

Smelly beaner.


Your wiki is a dead link to 2012 data. So lets see that, right?
Sorry lad