I've met a single person from Minnesota and his parents were Canadian...

I've met a single person from Minnesota and his parents were Canadian. When will the US give up their futile fight for Minnesota and let it be annexed?

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Minnesota is way to nice to be American anyway.

Minnesota is full of Swedes and Somalis. No thanks. We already have Toronto.

Manitoba, Ontario, Iowa, the Dakotas, and Wisconsin and basically Minnesota Vassal states.

gib clay

Minnesotans are the most powerful race in the world.
somalis all live in the twin cities.

Just because a minnesotan has a last name like Svensson doesn't mean they're swedish.

States that are rightful Leaf clay:

1. Alaska
2. Minnesota
3. Maine
4. Vermont

>12.5% Sw*dish or Norwegian with Scandi surname
>rest Irish, G*rman, Hmong and Somali

would the US even notice if you just went and took Alaska? There's fuck all there so you can probably just start including it in maps of Canada without a fuss.

>t. Mohammad Svensson

Once again, a surname doesn't mean the person is swedish. The name is swedish and their ancestors were swedish, but i'm betting most of those people don't speak a word of swedish and their family has been in the US for 3 generations.

Jus Soli was a mistake.

House that lies in both Quebec and Vermont

That border.

Must be fun living in that house. You wake up in one country, and go to take a shit in another country without even going outside.

But you'd have to show your passport every time.

Do you think there's a border guard in every room of the house that lies on the border? And he asks you every time you walk into that room what your reason for entering the country is?

When is Canada going to be annexed? They're about as cultureless as we are but with the addition of being a pseudo country.

Hopefully never because them our nogs and spics will flood them too. I'd never wish that on anyone.

so...it's full of Somalis?

In the cities. There are about 10k somalis in the state.

They"re already organizing that on their own don't worry
In fact you would be saving them from themselves if anything

As bad as Canada is it's not 56%. And spics and nigs are far worse than gooks and poo in loos. It's too late for us.

>gooks and pooinloos
If only, but they're importing and sucking up to terrorists
Didn't they just make misgendering illegal as well

Lol you've never been to Canada have you? It's full of smelly Indians and fat Asian with horrible acne.

Yes because oil

aesthetic straight border would be fucked up, burgers can't allow it

Um alright? I have and it has its won problems but it's not literally 56% white and minority majority under 6.
They have muzzies but they are still percentage wise much whiter that us. The law is stupid in the first place but basically means you cannot advocate the genocide of trannies.


>swedes and somalis

you just need to say swedes, there's no difference these days.

What government does that house pay taxes to?