Will the Negroes survive at least in the yellow zone without artificial vitamins and a solarium?

Will the Negroes survive at least in the yellow zone without artificial vitamins and a solarium?

hopefully not

>mfw tax on the sun

cro-magnons were dark skinned and they lived in europe during the ice age

your mom is dark skinned you moor

hopefully not

are you the greek?

>Maghrebis brought more sunlight to Marseille

I am Greek you spic

kek, there is this selfhating greek living in Slovakia that for some reason is mega butthurt against spaniards and italians

>be waiting for a bus
>some mid-eastern looking guy comes up
>attempts to small talk because that's what we're all about
>"It's cold in here D:"
>"No, it's not"
>the guy wobbles elsewhere
>mfw the weather was +15C and slight drizzle

he is a theslavonigger, pay no mind to him

Im not self hating you greasy manlet, make me taco and stfu. i am proud of being Greek

Yeah, but you know that you lurk Sup Forums too much when you can instantly recognize people by just one short sentence and I'm not talking about the german greek tier


>The very light skin tone found in modern Northern Europeans is a relatively recent phenomenon, and may have appeared in the European line as recently as 12 to 6 thousand years ago (10,000 - 4,000 BCE), indicating Cro-Magnons had dark skin.

Even blue eyes appeared after the Ice Age was almost finnished.

why are diaspora greeks so autistic?


Good question. I wonder if they really are turks roleplaying as greeks. Greek flags on the other hand look very chill and normal.

thanks to global warming it's the indo-europeans who will stop feeling less and less comfy.

>will stop feeling less and less comfy
what did I write there? "will feel less..." I meant

it's just as likely that he's baiting you though

>throws out generic insult
>you ask him something very specific
>he answers in the affirmative to keep the game going

so, not fantastic evidence

I guess that's accurate based on what we know. what's the oldest sample so far with lighter than brown eyes, Villabruna? the earlier ones were brown-eyed iirc

question, is 0+ blood a hint that my ancestors wuz cro-magnons?

>is 0+ blood a hint that my ancestors wuz cro-magnons?

On average, an european has around 40% of hunter-gatherer dna. So yeah, every single european has cro-magnon blood, despite your haplogroup, blood type, etc.

Dunno, I know they found a mesolithic guy in Spain with blue eyes.

>40% of hunter-gatherer dna

that's way too much for the native Mesolithic hunter-gatherers. you'd have to include even the European hunter-gatherer-like element in the Anatolian farmers to get values that high. I really don't think the native Mesolithic populations of Europe left that much ancestry, maybe a max of 20% in some areas

you probably have La Brana in mind who is a later sample but basically

In Sweden we give them vitamin D substitution.


You are right but in any case everybody has some dna of those guys.

>This map compares the genes of modern people to the DNA of a Mesolithic hunter-gatherer from the Loschbour cave in Luxembourg, who lived 8,000 years ago and belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup I2a1b and mtDNA haplogroup U5b1a. The sample was tested by Lazaridis et al. (2014). It is supposed to reflect the percentage of similarity with the Late Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic inhabitants of Western Europe. Nowadays this admixture peaks among the Estonians (49.5%), Finns (47%), Lithuanians (46.5%), Icelanders (45.5%) and Orcadians (45.5%).

No they don't, that's why they all lack of D vitamins.

Pretty sure Europeans are the ones lacking the D. After all, it's the Africans who are coming north by the boatload, giving European women their D.

They get shit like rickets IIRC.

IIRC blue eyes showed up in Europe before white skin.

Diaspora is mostly the scum from their home countries with a smaller amount of educated professionals.

15c is hot for me. It's 35c here right now. Can I migrate pls?