Wish thread! Dubs or higher get their wish granted :D

Wish thread! Dubs or higher get their wish granted :D

I wish to die in my sleep

I won the lottery jackpot this week



Come on Powerball win!


Wish you share powerball with me.
99%(me) - 1% (you)

A job that gave me purpose and fulfilled my life with hope and money

A wife that loves me and would build a future with me and my family


Freedom from limitations fear oppression sadness and poverty

Relief from this studying nightmare

I never have to work again and have unlimited income

I won the jackpot this week

I wish I could dubby.
This is how you dubby,
This is how you dubby.
All the dubbies love me,
All the dubbies love me.


All the posts in this thread get their wish granted singles and higher

A wish thread came true

I won the lottery this week for me and my family

My car to be repaired and be able to drive again

Happiness and money


I won the lottery jackpot this week

Is 5354 a dub?


For there to be a God that blessed us and listened to our prayers and good deeds

I wish that the 22nd Amendment was abolished so God Emperor Trump can reign longer.

Be turned into a millionaire

A good life

Go back in time to 2006 knowing what I know now

Fucking checkin and kekin

I wish to obtain one trillion US dollars without any effort within the next month.

I wish to obtain the superpowers I've been daydreaming about in the same amount of time.

Rerollin' for either.

I wish the OP never even ever existed

I wish for my entire extended family to prosper from now on.

for a thousand dollars (any money really)
[email protected] = paypal

I wish I could get rid of my sexual frustration in a productive way.


I wish to roll singles

I wish for every wish in this thread to come true.

this, preferably soon


I won the lottery jackpot this week

Rolling for this.

When do I go back in time?

Make everyone happy

For someone here to fuckin explain magnets. Shit.

nobody else gets dubs or better

I wish for every wish in this thread to be reversed

I am magically made Rich over night

I wish for more wishes

I wish to have the superpowers I've been daydreaming about upon travelling back in time.


wish that dubs are singles and all single are dubs

to have my own skateboard in a week or less

To be a millionaire over night

All my wishes would come true

All my posts would be dubs or higher

Checked... but also not checked?

Can we get a ruling on this one?

Ah shit, did I really just waste my wish on that?

Applies to his own world he didn't say this thread

To be happy and wealthy

Smoke weed everyday for free

That good things happened to good people

fuck ok rollin on again but for the whole thread

To find a good job

To have a life full of free samples any time I wanted.

I was wealthy enough to live on my own pay my debts off and start a new life

To go back 10 years after i wake up

All posts ending in 7 now get their wish granted, but with a terrible twist

I wish my father stop beating me and my sister when he's drunk

Didn't say when, it'll happen at age 78.

Roll for this

I wish for her to come back to me, so we can be a happy little family again. I miss my son.

I wish I won the lottery jackpot this week

Imagine scrunchies of electrons flowing through the middles of metal objects. They orbit their respective atoms to make a path shaped like a scrunchie, and generate a force because of it (magnetism).
These metal objects lock into each other when their electron scrunchies flow in opposite directions at the point of contact. The opposite happens when the electron scrunchies flow in the same direction.
You're welcome.

I wish she wanted to be mine.

i wish me and her will live happily ever after

I won the lottery jackpot this week and buy my happiness

This oughtta be good!

Granted, but now she's a dude.

win 25 mill (cad)

be the weakest and anorexic


Checked and keked

get a bitch that stays on my side all the time


become gf with melina

I want a gf.

I want to hold hands with her, exactly like males do in europe.

be the swolest and strongest nigga out there

Win 100 million dollars

i want nigga lips


we all want the girl the perfect grill

For my gf to turn into the perfect girl for me

Have a 100 million dollars this week

we want the best grillfirends pllz gimem


I wish I had the motivation to fix the life I've ruined

I wish I won the lottery jackpot this week in the usa

I want to pass Go when I go to jail. I need that $200