Night time

night time
no friend thread
Tell me to do things

take one, you earned it.


i dont understand

wear your hat backwards

thats an easy one

have access to a chick that is easy?

Show us your butthole

Not really nah.
Bitches i work with are prudes mostly

hold up a sign that says traps arent gay

remember night shift keith nigga?

ever thought the reason you have no friends is cause you wear batman hats?

Take your piercings out, sit with your back straight, and take the damn hat off indoors.

Are traps gay?


No its because i have trust issues and depression. But i dont really bitch about it- i just chill alone at home


he doesnt have piercings. That's just acne

>muh traditions

i can guarantee you that you look like a fucking moron and you'd have more friends if you threw that shitty hat out

You. Filthy. Nigger.

Ahem...Your mom gay.

I fucking hate your hat. You're not even balled take that damn hat off.

give me your honest opinion of this woman

you need companionship, humans are made for company my man, dont isolate yourself

shave this "beard", it looks like pubes
Never keep "beard" if it looks like pubes
>post pic

*tip: Change your look user, this hat looks like shit, grow up, you're not 12 anymore.

Push up bras are for whores and men who like these types of women complain about people who don't pay their taxes and hate homos

just have hat because my hair looks shit atm

yeah i know man- but i dont like to be a bother

you'd look better with facial hair covering your whole face.
try to make some friends.
Depression doesn't exist.

what the fuck are you sayin?

Gouge out left eye

ditch the fuckin piercings, shave the fucking pubes on your goddamn face and go to GAP and buy some fuckin normal clothes

you looks better without it trust me, now you need to throw away those shitty rings, you don't need this to exist...

and take off ur fuckin white socks. get some fucking black ones. I know you got white socks bitch get rid of em

rip piercings out and stream you wont

I believe that's what's referred to as a "squidiot"


user, everybody agree, just wow, you will unify Sup Forums ...
> shave pubes on your face
> normal clothes
> no rings

user, show us around your room

Man you're not even bad looking don't go all attention whoring now. Get your life together: lift weights or do cardio, maintain good hygiene, diet well, and don't for the love of all that is good wear batman hats.

It's fine not having friends but obviously it's affecting you because you look and sound like you hate your life. Quit being a female.

Hiya daddy!

i hold no value to these piercings- i just enjoy them.

i have black ones- not currently on but yeah.

Eat a dolphins dick

>goes to Ansel J. Ceciltine Public Pool
>gets beat by Yorgi "Lobster Bob" Darvantrrantzian

Fuck off to Reddit, newfag

hi bbygrl

room isnt big

Is this the neo-noir tapestry of woe we've all been waiting for or just another crappy remake?

Fuck off white socks are top tier. Owning white clothing shows you can take care of them by not getting them dirty. Black fades anyways kys.

I knew that word looked weird


I'm lonely, won't you cuddle with me?

Shave your pube beard
Wash your face and hair. Hell, go nuts and take an actual shower.
Comb you hair into a style that doesn't reek "Tennessee methhead"
Get a job. You don't look too autistic, shouldn't be that difficult.
Make friends at work.
Maybe even get a girlfriend so the calluses on your beatin' hand soften.

Enjoy the rest of your life.

lmao fuckin loser

i have a job and pay my own bills for where i live asshole

write BKFL #15 on your arm

Nice dubs. Spread yer cheeks nigga

Show butt

This could be you

Not even obese fat and you can do handstands without wall support too...tbh jelly

>40 yr old virgin
>autsitc hideous fembot

You choose

OK, fine.You are capable of doing the minimum to avoid getting fired. Good for you. Everything else I wrote stands.

I like his hat i would hang out with him.

>methhead detected

Let's see your wiener.

Still using loser as an insult. No wonder you wear black socks haha sad.

let's not.

Oh you have some spice in you. Tel me your religion?

Trips of truth

what a fucking alpha


Fine, just show cock.

>OP is under age.
>Tell him to back to Chaturbate
>Or his Mother will die in her sleep tonight.


Fuck you get off the internet telling people what to do. Who the fuck are you a fuckin nobody fagot.

The hair looks cute. Never wear that hat again (at least in public).

Do you own a suit? Model some business wear for me.

Wait, are you legal age? There's enough pedos running around this place I'm not looking to contribute.

i dont follow a religion
im honestly not sure what to believe im just living my life

op is 21

>Tell me to do things

Well, first off, I'm capable of spelling and punctuation. You'd be amazed at how far that little skill will get you in fife.

You kinda look like the guy who'd date a freshman in high school

Naked dancing vid.

why would he want to be like somebody else wtf is wrong you?

witness them digits

Lose the shorts

>what a fucking alpha

It's ok to be wrong, user.

Take that Bueler poster off the wall and hold it up

I was not part of that conversation until that comment thank you

He asked people to make him do things you. I can tell you have piercings and pubes on your chin too just by how emotional that response was lol

your opinion of her?


Go back to fucking Reddit

That's a trap

>wired x box controller
>futon bed
> detached footrest for gaming chair

Beta lyfe.

The guy who has that ugly/hot gf who is emotionally unstable and has colored hair. They both do pot and meth. It's like they clone them.

Alright Sup Forumsros just finished fapping. So im ready to get back to taking requests and answering questions

skin looks pristine idk

Post proof

Get naked dude

....he's literally a lonely sad depressed man. Instead of bashing me how about you offer some encouraging things to say. Lemme guess

>you're ok the way you are
>you'll find friends eventually

Maybe you're right though because at 21 I doubt he'll ever change

Wired xbox controller for better latency on controls.
Futon bed for when people come over they have a place to sit
Detached foot rest because people came over and the girls had no where to sit.

Shut your goddamn mouth then

Eat half of the ferris poster, post proof

>the girls

you mean guys

Can you post women without tons o makeup or do you just enjoy objectifying other humans?

Cum on your hat, post pics

i came in this sock yo
