Bill Nye is a fucking degenerate

Bill Nye is a fucking degenerate.

Just a reminder that this video exists, and is on Netflix, marketed to children.

((This episode was also nominated for an Emmy))

"That's exactly the right message, Rachel" was dubbed in later...

Fuck off Trumptard. Go back to the third grade and finish where you flunked out

Hey you autistic retard this is Sup Forums b nypa just tell us what he actually said and post video after or fuck off

>underage ban

Fuck off shill bitch

watch the video you fucking idiot

this post has nothing to do with trump?

Soros really is paying people to troll on here lol

what sort of desperate christfag would you have to be, to be threatened by a guy in a bow tie who promotes science on tv?

are you scared he'll edumacate all the tards who put money on your church's collection plate?

Quit being a faggot OP.

I'm pretty sure the show is marketed towards adults who grew up watching his original show.

Be honest OP, are you retarded or just severely autistic?

He's lost it. He's gone so political he's alienating his audience. It's not even about science anymore, he's just pushing agendas.
Sad, because he used to be a cool dude that so many of us loved watching growing up. Now he just peddles trash.


>who promotes science

watch the video you autistic faggot

exactly. it's all about propaganda at this point


If you think this was made for adults you are truly a lost cause


Naw he came out and said it was for "a more adult audience" at one point. Im not really a fan of the new stuff, but the old nye was nice.

I still remember the Richie eat your crust episode.

I didn't watch it but in the clips I've seen everyone in the audience is an adult.

Also, doesn't he have comedians on who make jokes aimed towards an adult audience?

So what you meant to say is that you're severely autistic and have trouble determining the obvious intentions of others.

We need men with bachelor degrees to give us scientific information about masterbation and fucking other men up their assholes.

that's because the old nye wasn't run by people who were trying to push degenerate views on you.

He used to teach you how a light bulb worked. Now he's telling you to shove a light bulb in your asshole

>I didn't watch it but
so why did you even respond you fucking idiot

Fuck Bill Nye



holy fuck. i just lost all respect for bill

Some people aren't what they used to be and are now sad washed up versions of their former great selves; Katy Perry, gaga, bill nye

britty good Russian troll thread

>Im not really a fan of the new stuff, but the old nye was nice.
beakman was better
don't understand the retards who say nye was better: it was repetitive and predictable