Ok so me and my long distance bf are going to meet soon...

Ok so me and my long distance bf are going to meet soon. Ive always wanted this and shit but now i feel horrified about the thought he may not like me if he sees me in person and i don't want to cancel because he's in college and involved in alot of shit I really want to meet and have sex honestly but I'm feeling extremely insecure now and have no clue what do. Advice pls Ps: he has seen me naked and jacks off to me blah blah

i think he likes u

What if he thinks im ugly in person though

if he's seen you naked and jerked it to you he's probably gonna wanna smash
don't worry so much, he already likes you

have you two cammed b4?

also this

seriously if you have him jerking off to you you have this in the bag

Yes every day since we met 4 years ago. Basically hes seen me become a "woman" and what not

holy shit he actually likes you

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I wouldn't worry if you guys have been talking every day for 4 years lol
he's definitely gonna like you in person just as much as online

been in this situation a few times.

tits & timestamp before I can be bothered answering though.

Tits or gtfo i cant believe that people have even answered you before getting the basics

Ask him if he wants you to visit and def tell him ya gonna smash also tits and timestamp

Thank you guys :)

sure because you want to date every girl you've jerked off to right? its not just because you need to fap and she's willing and eager

I've been in the opposite position as you before OP, met a fat girl from r9k that I'd been talking to online for two years. She was as nervous as you (if not more so), and had a serious self esteem deficit, but we hit it off extremely well, and she and I have now been together for another two years, along with multiple meetups and a real plan for moving in together. I legit love her. LDRs are hard, but nothing beats being with someone you share a lot in common with.

Just remember to not overthink it. He grew attached to who you are when you interact with him online, so don't pretend to be anybody else just to make a good impression! Relax.

i thought you were going to say that irl she wasnt fat

of course she was fat, it was r9k

fuckin lol

May I ask how you guys went into sex if she's insecure? Because I want to obviously have sex with him but im still afraid. And I'm glad you guys worked out!

sure thing
have fun :)

you just put your dick in him same as always