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it can't be helped

hi, guys



me on the left

how is everyone?

pretty decent. no complaints at least.


hi satan

that's good,
in 6 hours the local shop opens, what drink should i get?

want to elaborate?
if you're feeling bad i may be able to help.


i've been better, just crazy stressed, thinking about cigarettes a lot

hot chocolate mix

how have you been thinking about them?
have you been wanting them or have you been thinking about the idea of them and what it symbolises?

aight, that does actually sound nice.
its really cold rn

I have major depressive disorder, I just feel shitty atm
it'll pass sometime and then I'll be fine again for a while, don't worry
thanks for your concern


i like hot chocolate. makes me feel nice.

i've been thinking about how they make people feel, what goes into making them, and what it's like smoking them. i'm thinking about picking up a pack sometime soon, honestly, just feel like everything is turning to chaos.

don't mention it. i just like to make sure everyone's ok.

here have a song telling you to sing a happy song to feel better

and a happy song

mmm, it is lovely.
it reminds me of when i was a kid.

i'm an idiot, my b

hmmm, i've never actually thought about how their made.
i wouldn't recommend smoking if you don't already.

if you feel everything is turning to chaos it might be healthy for you to take a trip down to the junk yard to smash some stuff, to relief stress. and for something fun to do.

jeez, you really do have song for everything, huh?
thanks though pal, I feel a little better already
iss k

I've smoked a little bit after bumming some friends, and it relaxes me a bit. It's a shitty thing for me to do, but I enjoy it, I guess. The look of it. And I smash shit all the time, I live next to a forest so I go through it and just smash sticks when I have time, or cry if I need to.

Kaworu! I'm so glad to see you, I missed you

heh, yea, i've been collecting songs my whole life.
good to know, if you need more song just ask, k.

i would recommend not picking it up as a habit as it is, kinda, a waste of money.
and hey, if you need to cry then cry.
as long as you don't cry over every little thing it'll be fine.

here's a song about stress

True, it is. C'est la vie. And I cry every so often, since it's hard for me to express a lot of my emotions, and to be human with other people, which severely frustrates me, so I do nothing but cry. I think having a fixation on something materialistic will help my emotions, as idiotic as I know that sounds.

well if you think it'll help you then go ahead.
but there are probably more healthy alternatives.
and i know this is going to sound really bad, but have you tried bottling up your emotions?
its not really healthy but it does mean you can live happier until it all comes out.
which, if you do it correctly, should only be once or twice a year.


I tend to bottle up a lot, had a past girlfriend tell me that I need to open up more. It rarely comes out to anybody else but myself and or my SO. It's not even a sense of me being sad or depressed, it's emotions that I can't even begin to explain without people being upset.

Here's a song for you. Just a personal favorite right now.

ok, i don't think i can help with that. maybe therapy, but that may be too much.

that song does seem very garnered towards you.
thanks for adding to my collection.

here's a song about life, and how it only really gets worse. probably not the best thing to send you. but eh.

It's okay, thanks for listening and trying to help though.

And no problem, I really enjoy their songs.

Here's a classic, but a goodie.

np, sorry i cant help that much

i do love the classics

What kind of music are you currently listening to? Like, what's one of your current favorites? Here's another of mine.

currently im listening to

one of my current favourites is

thanks for adding to my collection

>just had to do 17 captchas
>just... why

I see you like CC...

you know when R3 is coming out? CG is among my top favorite series

Sup Forums hates links, apparently.

I could only listen to the first few seconds of each, but they sound good and I really need to listen to them fully sometime in the future. Do you have a link or something that you keep all this music on?

Shinji plowed this dude.

no idea man.
the only thing they announced was that their making it.
some people think it will come out in the summer, other think next year.
i actually like the wait, i don't want it to be rushed.

that's weird, you on phone or pc?

no, i just remember it.
i should probably make an index sometime.

PC. I just meant that I can't play them right now, it's not a problem with YouTube. And you should, it'd be nice to see a full list of what songs you have.

oh ok, makes sense.

i'd have to make it a website so i can show it off, and have it so you can find songs depending on your mood and/or occasion. and a list of everything in alphabetical order.

this would take ages, and i don't know how to make a website so ill probably have to pay some service to help me make it. something like square space. and i cant really host it myself since i don't have the money to buy enough equipment for maintaining a website.
it would be hard. but i guess it would be worth it.

That sounds like something you could learn to do, and it'd be quite the experience, it seems. Web design can be fun.

yea, it seems like a lot of effort for something that basically wont be used.

if there was a site like MAL where i could catalogue music that would be cool. but i dont think that exists.

i could use tumblr, but i hate tumblr and everything about it so no.

ill look into it.
brb, gotta use the bathroom


Alright man. I'm going to sleep anyways, I need a good night's sleep. Thanks for talking to me and giving me songs to listen to, I appreciate it.

np man, i enjoyed it.
have a good nights sleep.

Hi fem!

so that's the embodiment of an AT field