Kingdom Hearts sucks and is overrated. Prove me wrong

Kingdom Hearts sucks and is overrated. Prove me wrong.
>protip: You literally can't.

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cant prove you wrong OP. Its a shit game with awful gameplay. and a totally garbage/convoluted story. was a waste of my teenage allowance buying it.

Well if you're like 20 years old and you play it you might not enjoy it (might find it to childish) as much as the people who played the series as kids, the people that give it such praise are mostly people grew up loving it.

I'm almost 30 and would rather play anything with Kirby before I play KH.

Im 26. i played it around its release. it was awful.

i mean, its not the worst game, its just not that great

i have no issue with games that might be childish. i still love things like banjo kazooie. pokemon. other "kids" games. it wasnt that its childish, its just bad. the cast and characters could be great, but the shitty gameplay ruins it.Shit, id rather play skylanders. its at least gun to play.

Yeah I can understand that it wasn't the best game but it had its moments, it probably just holds alot of nostalgic sentiment to most people.

>Arguing about a game for children on an anonymous message board.

OPs a faggot and gayer than me and Kingdom Hearts and I'm actually homosex. Prove me wrong.


>Game is nostalgic
>Edgy kid wants to dislike to be edgy
>post on Sup Forums to bait autistics
kys human waste

>Kirby is pink and pink is for girls. Disney is for little kiddies and babies.

it's nostalgic if you are too young to be on this website

>human waste
>posts pepe

See, doubting Kirby was your first mistake.

I agree, growing up with a dysfunctional family. When I would play Kingdom hearts it was a romantic escape into fantasy. I think every little boy wishes to be the key bearer. The chosen one, who distinguishes the light from the dark in his heart.

Unfortunately, when I play kingdom hearts now, I just wanna blow my brains out. Thats because the boy never really escapes his nightmare, he just grows up.

Game was shit even when it first came out, literally traded this shit in for Suikoden III.

"OH, LOOK! A game made by Square Enix! It must be a fantastic game, just like Final Fantasy! It would have a lot of relevance to the story and-"
>Sees cover, eyeing the Disney characters like Mickey Mouse on the cover
"Awww, what the fuck!? It's got Disney kid characters on this game! What a load of shit! I wanted a game with edgy character design and prolong story that hasn't had any relevance towards the original story since the past decade!"

If it's got a third game coming out and has a deep, nostalgic game play, but you deny it; well I have some bad news for you...

You're a complete uncultured, tasteless asshole. Dumb plebeian.

diff. user but damn im cringing.

THIS is nostalgic RPG gameplay

At what?

Its the most nostalgic game of my childhood, and im 28. Still one of the best games ive ever played.

Sounds like your childhood was filled with shit-tier games.

The game is 16 years old and you probably wouldn't be able to play a console till the age of 4/5, so people that played it would be around 20 by now.

>Implying you can refute subjective opinion

Holy Shit! I actually remembered playing this. Just didn't remember the game. All I knew is that the blue slime had burned an image to my brain, but didn't remember where it came from.

Kingdom hearts had a lot of sentimental value, so I was really attached to this game. Sure, it's not AS good as other Square Enix games (final Fantasy), but it holds a very special place in my heart.

Agreed. I’ve yet to play a Kirby game I didn’t like. This includes Kirby pinball for game boy.

Wasn't my favourite game as a kid but it was up there, even to this day dearly beloved gives me a nostalgic feel.

wow, 38 and damn deja vu

Pink is for pussy. And if you don't look at Kirby and get turned on then you sir are a nigger baby FAGGOT.

Isn't this game older than Sup Forums? Pretty sure kids that played it back then have kids now.

I agree, people always try to argue that there opinion is the right one but at the end of the day its an opinion people are not always going to agree on such a subjective topic.


16 years old this month

No one is going to read all your gay shit with out sucking a dick

Let's just think for a moment.

I hate Pink Floyd (I don't), and every song from Pink Floyd is a pile of shit. The songs are too long, and the singing doesn't kick in within the next 5-10 minutes. Not only that, the music has no feeling, just instruments wailing and synthesizers being randomly contorted to sound "different" for its era.

You can see that I've made some criticism about why I say something sucks. If OP weren't being such a cock nobbler, He/She would tell us why it sucks. It's not for us to flail around complaining or figuring out why it sucks.

kingdom hearts is just a game, so if majority likes it, majority likes it.

< This man has a point, so stop being a naive little faggot. If you think his opinion doesn't matter, why should yours?

Eh. It's ok. Not great and not horrible, just sort of mediocre. It's the meatloaf of video games.

It would have improved from a leveling system instead of relying on equips and consumables.

Kingdom Hearts sucks and is underrated. Prove me wrong.
>protip: You literally can't.


Stop reviving bait.

kingdom hearts ii gummi ships is amazing but the intro is so god damn long

What is the game's plot about? Fan based reminded me of Naruto so i avoided it about 10 years ago

Japanese RPG meets Disney characters, with a giant key as a weapon.

>ive been having these strange dreams lately

I can understand your reaction imagebut was there even a storyline?

kh1 is a bit slow gameplay wise sometimes, and some of the worlds are a pain in the cock, like atlantis, but the game has good story, an enveloping atmosphere, and interesting mechanics. kh2 fixes most of kh1's problems, making much more fluid and fast paced gameplay with much improved worlds and smoother mechanics. the first game isn't a masterpiece, but it certainly doesn't suck. and kh2 is one of my favorite games of all time, with great gameplay, intriguing characters, a good soundtrack, (mostly) good worlds, and fun boss fights like xemnas' multiple stages and the axel boss fight in the beginning of the game where you first get to dual wield keyblades.

idk, something about saving the world through friendship or some ish.

>Like is any of this for real.... or not

Is any of this for real or not

KH1 story was about Sora and co. looking for his friends Riku and Kairi who he was separated from when his world broke apart and fell into the darkness. Game has a very sad ending.

Fucking gay thank god i avoided anything about it for 17 years

*15 years

Square Enix has never produced a good game
Square produced many of the all-time classics of the NES and SNES era

The remastered version is great.

riku is just a little niglit supreme who can't make up his fucking mind

Kirby is just fat Ditto with a more annoying voice. Prove me wrong

I agree to disagree. I don't know why everyone shits on Square Enix or if Square Enix WANTS to be shat on (What I call the "Primus effect"), but I found the older Final Fantasy games to be good, maybe some of the ones in the new millennium were okay, but I beg to differ.

Are you serious? Stfu

Shinji is just a thin Kirby with a more annoying voice. Prove me wrong.

< A million times

older as in before they merged with Enix? yeah. Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3, all fantastic. i hear some of the SNES final fantasies were good, but i never bothered, FF is gay.

It's fairly rated and I enjoyed it in my teen years.
As far as your post goes, this is good enough to say that it is a god game.

Prove me wrong. Prove me wrong.

Me wrong prove.

I grew up playing Kirby, but it's way too easy now.

>FF is gay.
Yes and no. Sure, Square Enix is being thrown mud due to it taking Final Fantasy to its collection, but it's not cause FF sucks, it's just Square Enix took it, and that's why it sucks. I mean, for all I know, FF 15 just made me want to vomit all over the store shelf by just staring at it.

Fight me on Kirby's avalanche faggot.


Enix had nothing to do with Squares shift toward faggotry.

>uses kys
Fuck off and go to sleep, you have school tomorrow newfag.


Everything is overrated.

This is why you'll never be the key bearer. You never detached from the child in you. A man deals with his problems, learns from his mistakes, and the mistakes of his father and makes a better man of himself for it. You're still a little boy.

Fucking savage, mate

could easily be true, but it coincides in the timeline
also the japanese cannot do 3d games, so when it all moved to 3d (not that it had to, their mistake) it all went tits up. look at FF7... no, better yet, don't. ever.

Your right. There's nothing Enix was involved with Square. I cannot deny that.

Literally fucking garbage fire. I hate everything about this game.

This post really rustles my jimmies

>ITT: Manchildren complaining about a game who's demographic is 10+ for anyone that liked FF or disney.
>ITT: game xperts that believe Halo/CoD is the GGOAT

opinion (not necessarily unpopular): halo for the xbox single-handedly destroyed the FPS genre

OP iz bib faget

Actually, it was DOOM. Halo was it's predecessor, but if you want about destroying the FPS genre, you're looking in the wrong direction.

want *to talk about* destroying

HEELLLPP!!! My buddy sprinkled a bit of 91% alcohol on the weed while he was cleaning the bowl are we good to toke it

Do WHATEVER you like.

Case Closed: Kingdom Hearts is a great game, nothing wrong with it.

Amen, Goodnight.

phuckin go for it