RIP Dennis. OP delivered. I will share your favorite picture in your honor. Godspeed

RIP Dennis. OP delivered. I will share your favorite picture in your honor. Godspeed.

Other urls found in this thread:

RIP Dennis

RIP you chocolate donut loving bastard

Rip dennis

RIP Dennis

Stll alive fagsy, blacked out but am aklive some more.

seems i pucked while uncunsios

youre not dennis

Fuck dude.. u change your mind?

I doubt that’s actually him

Hast du dich erbrochen? Gekotzt? Dich übergeben? Wann gibts einen neuen stream?

He did share that same pic in other thread and is typing the same way.. hope it is.

If you are, you should consider that offer from the'shitty game dev', if not: dennis ghost will hunt you in your sleep

rip dennis

RIP Dennis

He actually did it? I stepped into the thread hoping for another livesteam, and he didnt have a cam. Figured it was a bust.

Yeah he did, on twitch.

OP delivered.

He did it but Twitch deleted the stream

Dumbass thinks he's a hero when he's afraid of life.

Let it be known, that on this day, OP was not a fag.

Is he actually dead?



shitty game dev still here

I hope Dennis is too

Is the link dead? if not please post.

yeah hes dead, i think he severed an artery


Im fuckin pissed nao. Godspeed you user.
Someone shouldve at least recorded to it so we couldve immortalized him in every rekt bread.
Last actual livestream was the "just do it" kid.

Howd he go? Saw a mention of pills.

Please tell me someone either archived the the thread or took screen shots.

Oh no...

op is ded, i checked his vitals

Dennis here. All that happened is that I now have a bit less aids.


I reported this to the German police and sent them screenshots and as much info as I knew about it. If anyone knows who this guy is beyond his twitch user name let me know.

i hope twitch reviews the stream and does something about the fucking psychopaths in the chat actively encouraging him to do it, maybe they can pass information to local authorities, as i'm sure that can rightly be a crime in some places

it's one thing to say it in a thread where it's 99.99% a troll or not going through with it, it's quite another thing to be actually watching a person brutally slashing their own life away and still be encouraging them

fuck you guy, respect his decision.

You guys clearly don't belong here; go back to tumblr and 9gag.

I recognize that lingo... also good kill.


Good job there sherlock.

What compels you to fuck with shit from across the globe, you moral outraging cuck? This self serving shit does actually nothing except makes you feel better about your pathetic self for a bit.


Because it's the right thing to do. And by the way, you're the pathetic one you useless coward

haha you fucking psycho, on second thought let's just let someone die without giving a shit, when there's some possibility we could maybe help...

I'm the one that's pathetic? Take a good look in the mirror, pal. You're not a good person.

>the right thing to do
He did what he thought was the right thing to do too, you shouldn't enforce your morals on other people.

Because I think people should be free to make their own decisions? That we shouldn't all sit here begging a dude who wants to take control of his life to stop, no matter how fucked up it is? You're really a cancer on society if you're one of those fucks that say "every life is sacred, no one should kill themselves, life gets better." Yeah, life has it's ups and downs, and it probably would have gotten better for him, but who are you to say he shouldn't kill himself because of what might happen? We should be able to make choices in our life no matter how drastic, and regardless of how negative it is, being able to kill yourself is the most true form of free will that we could have.

Well I'll be goddamned, I was in that thread, too.

I never said I was a good person, I'm just saying you're not. You're trying to enforce your morals on a dude who wanted to an hero. Not everyone needs to be helped, some people don't want your help. People who are recognized by the state as suicidal are often medicated until their brain turns to mush.

>you shouldn't enforce your morals on other people.

Tell that to your mom

>I think people should be free to make their own decisions?

Everyone's decision is based on knowledge from others

also retard

>Right thing to do.
If you want to do good things volunteer in a soup kitchen, go to Africa and build schools. But no, you sit on your fatass on a board filled with people who have nothing better to do than shitpost and troll and you feel it is your duty to put a stop to it all that you feel is "bad". you're just like us only delusional.


>tell your mom
what the fuck does that have to do with anything, you're just upset that you couldn't make a post on reddit about how you saved a man's life today

I may have put my nose where it didn’t belong, but my intentions were good. If that makes me a bad person in your book, then I’m glad we’re not friends. Because you’re a big meanie.

>big meanie

Your mother should have left you somewhere without people, so you would have no contact with any morals, how about?

says the guy who called me a fucking psycho cause I believe people should be able to make the choice of their life. Moral outraging the suicide card about someone who's already dead isn't gonna get you anywhere.

That's cause kids learn morals from their parents, and what they believe is right, not exactly the same as a fag walking into a bakery and making a bitch fit about the baker refusing to make a wedding cake for him, or in this case someone who respects the decision of people who commit suicide. Butting your head and telling people how they should view life isn't exactly the same as a parent parenting

>Your mother should have left you somewhere without people, so you would have no contact with any morals, how about?
>so you would have no contact with any morals, how about?
>how about?
You lost this argument go to bed it's past your bedtime child.

Well, I'm glad someone's death entertains others... Why do people livestream their suicide? A last ditch attention get? Because it might aid them in carrying it out?

Judging by the amount of blood he lost, Dennis very well may have been "successful" with the suicide, if that's what you want to call it, but in a perfect world he would survive it and get a renewed lease on life.

inb4 "but the world isn't perfect moralfag"

Dennis had shit taste, good thing he's dead.

I really wouldn't want this shitty minecraft music playing while i fade out for good

is this picture from TERA?

You guys gonna jack it in san diego now?

I'll share the shots i have i took the one higher showing 106 viewers



Thats all folks

Wait, I think I remember this exact thing? Did this guy show any real interaction with chat? I recognize some things in these photos.

Do you remember anything the person in your mind said?

No, just webms on gore/rekt threads with no audio. Just wondering if I'm the only one.

where did this guy live?

Well i had some problems with my phone so i wasnt able to watch the whole thing, he lost a few words but nothing really resembling anything from the thread. Can't remember any chat interaction either.


R.I.P. denis. F.

yeah i know but what city?

Godspeed you magnificent bastard.

Lehr or leer, both spellings were used in original thread

Quoted By: He sais he's from Leer in Niedersachsen. I'm from germany so maybe i can see it tomorrow.

Hopefully user will update us tomorrow


i just hope the guy isnt dead...

I hope your mom is dead


does somebody have the clip outside twitch link?

What kinda faggot reply is that? Now I pray your dad murder suicides your mom & himself.

he was definitely talking to chat

>I pray your dad murder suicides your mom & himself.

U sure? What did he say? I just remember something about how the pain isnt so bad, how hes gonna cut deeper, and how he feels like vomiting.

Arw you daft or just autistic, I pray your dad brutally murders your mum then ends himself.

at one point he said it burnt and he couldn't read anymore

?? How'd you know his last name? I find it a bit disturbing that the roommate who he "ordered" to find him or the police will see his thread, stream and possibly even this thread.

Yeeeah you know thats not really an interaction. Somebody streamed his suicide that's for sure, maybe it was denis-chan, but he didn't answer to anyone in the chat explictly or even say a name, did he? Btw sorry for my english, i couldn't sleep all night.

i dunno if he mentioned a name, but he said "yeah im gonna go deeper"