Enlightened Being here. What can I give to the Universe right Now?

Enlightened Being here. What can I give to the Universe right Now?

your BALLS

Another habitable planet. This one is gay.

I'm looking into getting into my Chakras


My death

Fuck all

The chakras are in You. The Universe is in You.

if you were enlightened you wouldn't be asking other people, fuck off

or on Sup Forums

It's always right now, my friend. You have yet to see.

Some soy sauce. Not the stuff you get at a store.

If you were truly enlightened, you would know that by asking, you'd be fulfilling your purpose

I'd kind a like to have a bigger dick. Mine's alright. No complaints. Just kind a like to frighten farm animals, ya know.

Have a surgeon cut the tendon and stretch it.

I like turkey bacon even more than i like turkey blowjobs.


teach us to not fucking kill each other over oil and bullshit by enlightening us too

All Light casts a shadow.

Don't listen to this faggot, I'll give you something to start with. I'm copying and pasting it though so bear with me. Also captcha sucks.

I would dissagree, for when we percieve right now, we are already thinking of it as then and when we want something done in the immediate future, we say right now. So I would not say it is always right now, for right now has already passed, as the future comes right now.

Trips for truth,

>Meditate, not the "clear your mind" shit, but stop looking at screens and taking in input.
>Sit comfortably and put your palms up, resting on your knees. Doesn't need to be indian style, just sitting in a chair is fine.
>Imagine a waterfall coming down into your crown, then flowing down into a large pool at your navel
>Then imagine two streams flowing out and pooling into your hands
>Try to feel it while visualizing, it should feel like heat, almost like an electrical current, but flowing more calmly, also slightly tingly, like when a limb goes numb, only feels good, comforting.

Energy/chakra/whatever you want to call it, it's very useful, heightens the senses, you can nullify pain and speed up healing, and you open yourself up to noticing things other's can't.

enlightened being here. just work on yourself. you will figure the rest out as you go. been at it 5 years sometimes it is painful sometimes it is amazing but it is definitely the right way. the HARDEST thing and this is 100% the truth.. is PATIENCE

i know, not the answer you wanted. but its the answer.

get into computers. learn computer languages. improve the medical fields with technology. it takes time but computer languages are pretty much the most important thing for everybody now since theyre going to be doing all our jobs for us eventually.

That's the exercise I recommend to people just starting out, it's to help you learn how to feel your own energy. It's very beginner level though, as once you know how to feel it, you need to learn how to control it precisely within your body.

oh and stop masturbating. listen to this advice and you will be the next Elon Musk.


i gave all the advice needed here what more do you want to know?

Bumping this

I don't know how I'm supposed to help people without introducing an ideology. Obviously telling someone to find god or meditate wont do anything, its like telling a fat person to eat a salad or a meth addict to.. stop using meth.

People are addicted to thinking. They want a way out but when shown a path they ridicule it. Is this avoidable? Is all supporting doomed to failure?

>chakras in you
2000+ years of human anatomy study says otherwise

hitler 2.0

I'm aware of meditation and the states of mind you can reach that our beyond what we experiance on the daily, but the shakra thing is something fucking religious people tagged onto it. Its the hokus pokus bullshit part. When you're trully in an ego less state of mind you don't pretend to know about fucking shakrass, its the complete opposite of a buddist/hindu mentality.

Your fat mom

The whole chakra this is mostly bullshit, but the human body is a battery, and you can harness the energy you produce. Just not at a super anime level of bullshit.

You don't have an ego death, far from it. You get good enough and you develop an unhealthy god-complex.

fuck, you're right dude. we can only help people if our way is also the only way they can try that isnt suicide because they're still going to be more willing to try their way no matter what you say. its almost as if we can only FOCUS ON OURSELVES AND WILL FIGURE OUT THE REST AS WE GO. SEE: MY POST AT AND

>This guy gets it

Listen to But we might fuck that one up too. Can we have like 100 planets that all support life and have a bunch of unique shit on each one?

Death. Deliver this universe to to sweet embrace of oblivion.

give me your energy

I'm on the path, and I recommend it for everyone. I was an atheist for my whole life, and I technically still am, but I always thought that religions had to have some basis in truth. As I've found out, that truth is the insight that we're all one consciousness deep down. Even when I was an atheist, I still believed in reincarnation for many reasons, and now I know what reincarnation probably means - that just because our current egos die doesn't mean that's it for the rest of eternity. Energy doesn't die, it just manifests in different forms. That's what the whole "eternal life" shit means without the religious dogma.


I don't believe in reincarnation like that. Someone will simulate me in their basement one day on accident, or to ask me a couple questions to map out all of human history, and that will be it.

Be patient, get into computers and stop masturbating. Good advice for 19-26 year old single guys looking to make their which I am not. Is this advice for me specifically?

my advice for anybody that isnt in that age range is git gud at social media, get used to it, and settle in for the long haul bc youre fucked if you think you're doing anything with your life. But feel free to do drugs and shit bc you wont need your brain where you're going. Seriously though get good at being social because thats the only thing thats going to matter in the future if you arent doing computers.

You think you're going somewhere else?

Make me enlightened too

That's not possible, see religions.

i'm ready to die tomorrow but i am in the 19-25 range with my whole life ahead of me - so i am approaching it with an optimistic attitude but i could always give up and be an EDM DJ or a Laborer and do drugs till they kill me if my optimism fails me, which i consider unlikely

Give us quirks

Your life is your future careers? Is that all you are, the way you make money in your local capitalist society?

You got that right!

no my life is my family, my career is how i provide for my family. i have three wonderful sisters, a loving mother and father who arent divorced, a nephew... life is good. i need money to achieve my goals, but i do not need things. Only those who i care about and the means to live out my dreams.

how can I learn to control it within my body? I've been meditating for around 3 months now and never felt any energy. I'll try this out

Knowing how it feels and imagining the flow helps. I've taught about 3 people so far, with one looking very promising. It's be a cinch to teach in person, but that's not possible in most cases.

How do I save my soul

So say I learn how to control this flow of energy. What should I do with it?

Also do all of your chakras need to be aligned or whatever to feel and control this energy?

Good, you do you. I hope you eventually extend your tribe beyond your family to you community, nation, planet and beyond. Remember that things will never bring you lasting peace. Go forth and offer yourself to the Universe young millineal.

You can give me money so I can complete my mission. I only accept doge though.

At what point do i get the special eyes?

You can learn to heal yourself (or others), to the point where what should take weeks to heal may take 3-4 days. Aside from actual healing, you can negate most pain which is very useful. Your awareness heightens, which includes all your senses, especially touch. Plus, no one will be able to sneak up on you anymore, if that was ever an issue. Can't say I can make objects levitate, but you can give yourself a boost of strength.

Also, the chakra thing. The majority of your energy pools at your navel, while a little bit flows through your body. You can pull in energy around you from your crown, but other than that the rest of the points don't really exist. The whole horoscope-esque stuff attached to it is bullshit. You're basically a living battery and can harness the energy you create if you know how.

How long did it take you to learn to control this energy? Did you just practice the method you posted above every day?

Someone showed me, and I managed to pick it up right away. It's not as easy without someone to show you in person, but it is possible.

After getting used to it, eventually it becomes second nature and it takes no effort at all to use.

no, dude, you don't get it. i LIVE to see humanity extend itself into the far reaches of space. but that starts with family for me. i am going to do everything i can for humanity, whatever the cost, excluding sacrificing my caring for my immediate family. my close friends count as family. but i'm not going to send a wall of text to explain it all in extreme detail.

don't listen to the stupid new-age hippie. focus on what makes you unique, imagine where you want the world to be when you die, and what you must do to make it so. everything is exactly what you want it to be with the right amount of patience. not too much, not too little, but over time things fall into place. trust your life. don't waste your time meditating. the secret to life is different for every single person out there. you need to find it within yourself. like i said, what makes YOU unique. a general solution that "works for everybody" IS NOT the solution. it may be a catalyst, but it's not going to solve all your problems or answer any of your questions.

First of its good to see this thread thanks, as a person who stoped practicing or playing with chakras over a year & facing homelessnes and homoerotic desires I've had a mad experience tuning into the smaller realities that have a big impact on what we get to manifest or "luck" aka chakra pooling. I want to confirm that others can or have done this.


If you're in public, the throat chakra regulates the speech of people and the flow of air being the heart chakras element
I oft notice these two chakras in conflict with manipura the ego center and taking advantage of it sets a electric surge of confessions and sex noises into the air and people pretend not to notice but it's like our belly admits something and it escapes up the chakras through the heart confirming it's you and out into the air for us to notice if the higher chakra is in action. That is anahata

So i mean to say peoples secrets may be read through the third eye but homosexual has a role in how I use ur chakras weather u probe ur victims vampire like to extract their negative thoughts or you lure them with love

I think our energy is something we hold or throw at people. Or objects based on our thinking. I've thought out loud before and so much in fact it makes people moth around me but I pretend I don't notice