Is this one of the hookers that peed on the bed while Trump was jacking off to Anime porn?

Is this one of the hookers that peed on the bed while Trump was jacking off to Anime porn?


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No, your mom

Is she suffering from an allergic reaction?

but she looks older than 13?

She is in a Thai prison and says she can link all the rich Russians tied to Putin, and our orange haired leader.

No those hookers were boys.

Great, come back and let us know when she's done something.


This seems like one of those things that can't possibly be true but actually are. This would be awesome if it were true. And hilarious.

Learn to read. Talk is cheap, and there's no reason to care if she says she can do something unless she does it.

The thais do pretty much what USA likes....if USA pushes maybe a fatal move by Natasha.

More importantly, There is porn of her.

Anastasia Vashukevich a.k.a. Nasta Rybka

I don't care, there's more porn made every month than I'd be able to see in 10 years.

imflammation due to overexertion , trying too hard to get suction on Trump's pencildick

not the one you were replying to but seems to me she would want to use that for leverage to get out of jail - which is what she's doing - before telling the public. Knowing Putin though, I would think she would be dead by now if this were true.

And I have no reason to give her attention until she's done it. I have no idea what you people think you're reading.

dubs sez you should get off your ass and get your mom a good Thai Lawyer.

She will probably have an "accident" in jail involving a dropped bar of
soap and a Polonium tipped umbrella shoved up her ass.

I know a crack whore that can confirm all alien evidence and expose the cover up, she’s just finishing her sentence in a Brazilian prison.

Trump's obsession with Eastern European women is is downfall. OP called it, fags.

leave the thread, it is not focused on your apathy.

It's focused on it when illiterate children insist on replying to me.

Wedged in your couch, theres a remote for the Fox News box that lets you change channels.

I still have no idea what you think you're reading. Your continued reluctance to address this says that you're committing to shitposting, rather than accepting your mistake.

Trump is /b af

>Talk is cheap.
I love the poorly educated.

I keep getting replies, but nobody has anything to say. Why should any of us care that she might have something to say before she says it?

Do any of those links tell me why I should care that she has something to say before she says it? You know that's what I've been saying the whole time, right? If not, please tell me what you think I said.

She said it, but its not released yet.
> "Vashukevich said in her video that she had already given an interview to U.S. broadcaster NBC."

>She said it, but its not released yet.
Great, so why should I care? Why can't however many of you are replying to me try to explain why it matters to us? Is there some inference being derived from my words? Because there's no implication. If it isn't available to us then why are we discussing it? Why am I wasting my effort repeating myself to people who can only tell me "Here it is!" instead of "Here's why?"

Lots of porn at porn-hub - hard to see her tits,

Got it! this is her main web site.

Looking for some naked pics.

Shows her legs.

This was taken earlier today. If someone can translate russion, what does she say?