I've got plans tomorrow. Big plans. I've made up my mind, worked it all out. Tomorrow I'm gonna hop onto a bus...

I've got plans tomorrow. Big plans. I've made up my mind, worked it all out. Tomorrow I'm gonna hop onto a bus, scout out a few locations, then once I have a few locations set. I'm gonna get off somewhere and wait for my prey. I intend to rape some woman. Dunno who, but when I find one, I'm gonna do it. If I can't lose my virginity the normal way, I'll just take it by force.

What I do after that is up in the air, either face prison or jump off a building. I'll decide which is worse afterward.

Anyway I'm just telling you faggots on Sup Forums cause I know you enjoy this kind of shit. I'm gonna be famous. It'll be on the news, and I'm sure some faggot down the line will make one of those YouTube videos about me.

Anyway, I need to get some sleep. I might check in tomorrow morning before I head out. Have fun Sup Forumsros.

How old are you and what state? P sure you're just going to stay home and shit post some more on the internet

I better see your suicide on bestgore

24 and Nevada. We'll see tomorrow, won't we?

If someone films it then you probably will.

You’re going to regret the shit out of that. Do you have money? If you want sex so bad just pay for it. Take a step back and really think about how that’s going to fuck your life up.

Kill yourself without raping someone.

I have no money. I have about $1 to my name rn.

Nah. I ain't gonna die a virgin.

Then buy drugs and fuck a druggie you fucking daft cunt

I ain't got any money you nigger. If I had money this wouldn't be a problem now would it?


Dude! You are in NV and think your only option is rape?

Are you near Vegas? Women go there just to say they had a 1 night stand there! Get a clue...don't be a freakin' loser.

Shit, then we're just back to committing crimes, only now we have the potential for murder instead of rape.

Ok how old are you? Sex can wait dude. Society doesn’t fuck around with those type of offenses. Like I said, you really need think about it because if you go through with this and end up getting caught your life is over regardless of you commit suicide or not. Your not alone when it comes to not getting laid and honestly sex is incredibly overhyped

Rob something, pay a bitch, an hero

I am nowhere near vegas, I live in the middle of fuck-nowhere in the goddamn mountains.

wait outside a kindergarten, lots of possible victims there OP

Shut the fuck up, faggot

24, and what do I care? I'll be dead.

I hope someone shoots you before you ruin a poor girl's life.

Don't rape any kids, don't rape any goth bitches. They've been through enough. You want the blonde cheerleader bully sluts. They deserve it and they give pussy away anyway.

Near Tonopah?

Hitch a ride to Vegas.

I bet you are a nigger. You sound like a nigger. Mate. Stop been a nigger.

I heard if you ingest cyanide it works like viagra. I'd take some on the way to where you're going to wait.

You're going to get raped by niggers in prison. Enjoy becoming the victim yourself.

You say that, but what if you go through with it then end up changeing your mind about suicide? You’ll be sent to prison for 10+ years. Think bro

Me too tbh.

Got it.

like 4 hours out of Tonapah

Nah, I'm a Jew.


Suicide before the cops catch me...Or just suicide by cop.

I'm pretty sure if I go through with one I'm not gonna change my mind about the other.

You sound like a little bitch. I bet any woman you tried to rape would overpower you and peg your ass until the police came to take you to Tyrone.

You may as well kill yourself.


Are you fucking bullshitting or are you serious?

Man if I was such a lanky weak ass little bitch nigger that a delicate little woman could overpower me I'd kms right now.

I would but I have no money

Dead serious nigga.


Continue rape until you cum but don't let her know you came. Cum in that pussy. Then pump a bit more pull out and say "Wait, Sorry, I'm not that into you, slut." and pull out.

You should definitely bring lube and a condom. Less chance of getting caught lol. But this is probably low quality bait

Post your twitter

Well have fun fucking up your life


>Suicide before the cops catch me...Or just suicide by cop.

That's dumb. Over some pussy? Pussy taken by force at that.
Why don't you get a job? Save up and get a hot escort, or become a productive member of society and get a girlfriend? It's not that hard unless you're autistic or suffer from mental illness. If that's the case, seek treatment. Then see the aforementioned steps. Pussy is cool, but it's not worth rape and suicide. Get a fucking grip.

OP, where you from?


Been there 2 times.

Seriously man - I've had sex at least 5,000 times now.(not an exaggeration). I remember when I was a virgin at 16 and thought I was a huge loser and couldn't wait to use it.

Fast forward to today and sleep is way more valued to me than sex. Don't get me wrong, I love the feeling, but it's certainly not worth killing yourself or raping over.

Just tell yourself it will come and it'll happen.

Shit, I'll bet if you post some sob story on Craigslist, some women willl feel bad for you and offer it up.

I bed your dick is real hard right now with your 5 seconds of fame on Sup Forums you sweaty fucking degenerate. You aren't going to do anything and if you even go through with "Waiting for your prey" you'll just pussy out as soon as the woman gets within 50 feet of you just like you have since middle school.

what country are you in?


Fuck I'm in Nevada

You won’t become ‘famous’ from this and you sure as hell won’t be on the news, I can tell you that for sure. Ever heard of a normal rape case on the news? No? Me neither

It's not this petty bullshit barely even gets to local news.

OP is a jew? cant you just get a waifu thru the community?
You can also convert to islam, get a 9 year old, and fuck her brains out till youre like im done.

>national news for a rape
come on man, at least rape and kill 5 year olds if you want national news

It would be local at best. Unless he rapes with an AR-15 with a MAGA hat on or something.

i hope he rapes you user


Go get a $200 gift card from Forever 21 or some other store and buy yourself a lay at the local HS..... Its easier than you think...

Figured he wasn't near Reno either and just split the difference.

I've been through Tonopah 2 times to the world's shittiest McDonalds - snow was on the ground and elevation was over 6,000 ft.

But you are right...not mountains just high.

He better carve Sup Forums on that chick's cunt while wearing a salmon suit or something.


I suppose.

Hahahaha no.

No what?

A job doing what? I have basically one option in this piece of shit town. Work at Mickey D's for 85 bucks a week and I have a series of mental illnesses, why do you think I'm doing this? No one will help me, no one gives a fuck so I'll take what I want and end it.

My mom's vagina.

Yeah I tried craigslist. All I got were whores who were like "Oh sure, I'll take your virginity if you pay me $100-$300"

wanna bet? Put your money where your mouth is, fuckstick.


I'd hope so.


Ah well, that would have been a nice bonus but whatever.

You'd think, huh?

lmfao that would be pretty good, too bad I can't afford an AR-15.


Everything here is shit. Unless you're going to vegas never come to Nevada.

shit nigga.

>I’m gonna be famous

No you won’t faggot.

Oh well.

Just counterfeit some money and give it to a hooker


Let me guess, severe parental issues, socially incapable, you have never even so much as attempted to approach a woman, yet you feel somehow entitled to sex.

you do realize tinder exists right?

Post your city pussy

england is my city

OP, when you find the whore, say this:

"I likes you and I wants you. Now, we can do this the easy way or we can you this the hard way. The choice is yours. What's it gonna be?"

I know, right?

Join the military. Then you'll get out of that town, money for pussy and a career. Once in, you seek psychiatric treatment.

Ehhhh, I wouldn't say SEVERE parental issues, my dad left when I was a baby and my stepdad didn't start emotionally abusing me till I was 14. But everything else is right. And I never got shit on TInder except for bots.


tbh I didn't think I'd bait anyone. Didn't expect Sup Forums to have a bunch of SJWs.

Good idea.

Can't. Medical and psychiatric issues, they wouldn't take me.

>Work at Mickey D's for 85 bucks a week

Are you even trying? I work fast food too because that's all I can get atm and even with three or for days a week I'm still getting $100-$250 a week

>I'm gonna be famous.

I did try, they literally pay $8.50/hr at my local McDonald's and only give you 10 hours a week.

soooo exactly what we figured

I lied to the recruiter and got in with no trouble.

Seriously, cut something into her skin with a razor

Yeah, we already established that isn't the case.

I guess so. What else did you expect?



Kill yourself right now.

Why don't you save up for a whore like a good little goym and don't go to prison

I hope you get caught and raped in prison

Why don't you save up for a whore like a good little goym and not go to jail

With an edgy razor like this guy

>I'm gonna be famous

At best this may warrant an honourable mention on a Dateline special.

This thread is giving me aids

Dun worry, I'll be dead tomorrow either way.

because at this point I'm so fucked up I'll probably kill someone.


I'm too lazy to go find the meme but NowthatswhatIcalledgy.jpg

Yeah, this has been established like 10 times in this tread.

Good. Hopefully you die from them.

Ops just an attention whore wanting Sup Forums to stroke his fragile ego. Either you do it or you don’t nobody gives a fuck either way. Enjoy your insignificant life faggot.

Honestly the best plan

you probably can't even take it by force you weak faggot




What? Someone asked you what state you're in and you said Nevada, and then they asked what country and you said Albania. Is there a Nevada in Albania? I'm confused.

How much does user weigh?


It might be.

277 Lbs. Last I checked.

Seems so.

What do you think comes after death op?

Give her a scar or a baby. Something she can't get rid of

or just don't ruin someone's life with your high powered autism.

An overweight man raping what I am going to assume is a minority is hardly news worthy.

Fuck if I know. I'm agnostic. Could be nothing, could be an afterlife. Could be reincarnation for all I know.

The latter maybe.

psht, that makes life boring.

How do you know it will be a minority?

Fuck off moralfag, OP won't do that.

OK, then you're just making up locations because you don't want anyone to be able to snitch on you. Which I don't understand as you can't eat out someone just knowing what state they're in. And Sup Forums already knows your IP address unless you are posting from a private VPN address. But you don't sound technically literate enough to know about that.

How do you plan to rape the girl? Do you have a plan. Write a plan in a notebook.