What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Persians?

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Persians?

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bring shah back

they dont exist

Highest class of arab

the most butthurt group of people to ever exist

would fugg

Arab/Turk/curryniggger detected.

palestino deteced

northern poo in loos


why do you need to use a picture of the one persian woman out of a thousand that has blue eyes?

Why do you believe whites like you? Why do you think it's only other shitskins who dislike your presence in Western countries?

That was literally the first google image result for Persian people.

look like arabs, poo in loos or a mix of arab+poo in loo and claim they're aryan, a pathetic lot t b h

Interesting culture, History and qts, too bad about the being muslim part.

We know you're a sandnigger
Stop fishing for compliments and go back to your shithole

doesn't the term aryan come from them?

Iranians are cool. They're the most stable democracy in the Middle East and they don't afraid of anything; also, their form of political Islam is probably the most liberal of any. If it were not for Zionist/Neocon retardation we might even be allies.

No Persians are the true Aryans. It is snowniggers who claim they are Aryan.

not really

in all honesty it could have been great now if it didn't get ISLAM'd
pretty sure that most of the achievements made by islamic scholars were actually made by persians with their natural curiosity
stuff like the fact that it's shia instead of the standard sunni show that they want to break free
thanks america for the coup

>islamic scholars
done by central asian sunnis

they were sunni until a turk force converted them to shiism\

>gypsy education

seems like it does desu

did you not read the article you just posted my gypsy friend?

i wish they'd teach about ancient persia here
persia should have stayed zoroastrian

Indo-Iranian peoples != Iranians, just like not all Turkics are Turks

sometimes their women can look very attractive, most of the time not because of their massive armenian-esque noses.

I am white and we love Iranians. The only people who hate them are other diaspora.

No you're not and it's utterly embarrassing that you're trying to convince us otherwise. Iranian people are some of the least respectable people since I started browsing Sup Forums. Relentless shilling and pretending that people like you on hook nosed pseudo-Semites on an anime image board is some of the most pathetic things I've seen.

God help your souls.

p.s the "Romanian" is an Iranian as well.


they don't exist anymore

desu aren't Turks, Armenians and Persians all the same genetically ?

Black hair, big nose, hazel eyes and pale white skin.

>the "Romanian" is an Iranian as well
the fuck
how the fuck did you come to that conclusion
i thought chinks were supposed to be smart

Because I lurk a lot of generals and have literally seen you posting in /mena/. See what I mean? Why are you pretending you aren't Iranian? It's pathetic. You just lose more and more respect from people everytime you endlessly shill about your mudslime shithole.

i don't post in mena

Iranians vs afghanis, who are whiter?

from what google shows me, they look the same
do pakis WE WUZ something?

Ancient Aryan relatives of my Alanic people. I respect their ancient culture and history even though modern Iran is fucked up with their religious bullshit. It's still must better than Saudi Arabia in many cases, including less violent laws and less obscurantism, but still... I think without Islam Iran would have been much better place to live than it is now.

Islamic invasions cause severe damage to their science and literature. I'm not sure if people on this board are interested in that sort of things, but do you realize how many ancient pieces of literature were lost during these centuries? Just look at how rich ancient Roman and Greek literatures are, I really think that ancient Persian one wasn't worse.

Pathetic. Absolutely jaw-droppingily pathetic.


Please stop pretending.

To be fair everyone is Armenian. Even Asspain but especially Jesus.

...why the fuck did his parents stay in romania
so many better options

>everyone is Armenian
Huh ?

There's no we wuzing its simple.
>low class poor are nigger tier pajeets
>middle class and above are pajeet lite®
But it really depends on the area. Right now I am in baluchistan, this area is adjacent to iran so people here are genetically closer to them. Up north you'll see people closer to afghans and in the south its mostly pajeets

Iranians are usually friendly, the least cancerous ME diaspora.
But the muh Aryan meme is retarded, Iranians are semites except for the few Pashtuns and minor R1 admixture.

I don't know enough about Persians, but I don't like Islam and what it does to the world so... you do the math

Even in pashtuns there are 100 different tribes who have different features. I saw 1 today who could pass for a swede

What about Zoroastrians?

Iran (Persians) is white though.

It used to be white. Now its just a abhorent mixture

Yes even you pierre

I would like to travel the hindukush once a lifetime and see the mountains, the people and culture by myself but the chances of being Durka´t are pretty high right now.

Sooorrry only browns allowed. Come back after a few decades

A sand person passing as a Swede nowadays isn't very surprising

>iranian sodomites
The worst part about Iran is that they are a lot of liberal secular subhumans who need to be wiped out by the kalipha

>Iran should be a beta religion
They are even worse than a Jew, may Allah forgive me for uttering this word a z*r**str**n

He was over 6 feet with blue eyes, pale skin and dirty blonde hair

but can it get worse than islam?

Maybe Swedes weren't white to begin with

Would the world be a better place if yanks had gotten over of the embassy shenanigan and made reluctant alliance with Iran instead of Saudis?

Islam is literally the master religion. Beta quffar only exist to get cucked by Alpha Islamic warriors. Even a Jew would be more acceptable than a christcuck or a zorocuck

I like them as long as they stay in Persia

Zoroastrianism is pretty much the basis of Abrahamic religion.

I cannot stand 90% of arabs but for some reason I feel none of this racism around Iranians, they just act like normal people.

PS yes I'm aware Iranians aren't """"arab"""" but they are still part of the greater tree of the degeneracy of Islam.

Iranians in the west are often refugees who escaped the durka durka revolution.

masters of parkour

Not as white as Nigerians

pic related

I don't know since I mostly think about shemales and haven't seen a Persian one yet.

Got any pictures to share?

it's because their diaspora is good, for some reason. much better than the diaspora of all their neighbours

I like Iran desu


Those central asians were mostly ethnic persians back then. It wasnt until the mongol conquest when central asia became mostly turkic

I'm half Persian, but I'm white as fuck with blonde hair and blue eyes. People don't believe me when I tell them my dad is from Iran

Islam destroyed Iranian culture. God knows how many ancient pieces of literature were lost during Arabic invasions, when they burned all Iranian libraries and temples to the ground.

I guess ancient Indo-European speaking "aryans" who conquered all these areas and assimilated local population were blonde haired and blue eyed indeed. And we can see how their genes show up in Iranians, Pushtuns, Tajiks and all other Iranics sometimes.

Armenians have their own very unique phenotype and Turks are just mix of everything from everywhere. So, if you are looking for unironical answer - no, not really. They look different and their genes aren't the same.

Turks are the most "white" among them because they assimilated a lot of Balcan Slavs and other light-haired peoples.