Did anyone actually see the pic of the alien that supposedly crashed the site? did the site even really crash...

Did anyone actually see the pic of the alien that supposedly crashed the site? did the site even really crash? was the thread actually removed?

Other urls found in this thread:




im serious , what was the picture? or was it all just a joke?

please i need to,know



uhhh thats from the et movie sorry nice try tho

i understand the the OG post was really hi-rez.... so this is not it

someone has to know something please


bumping for pity

The alien is as real as Kim Kardashian's tits dude why would someone post an alien on Sup Forums and not on some other big networking site to get it out there?

idk thats what I'm trying to find out, was it a hoax or did the site really go down?

i want to believe



It crashed. I was there. Just thinking of it gives me chills.

I don't understand. Can you describe to the best of your ability of what happened?

No one is talking about this, and if what youre are saying is true, you need to make what happened clear

a photo was posted of an alien, the site was taken down and all reference to the said post was eradicated, then people started making jokes about it, this video explains it, I'm just trying to find anyone that was on that night to corroborate any of this


trying to keep this post up long enough to find somebody


Oh shit. This is fucking huge.


No nigga that ain't it

no the original was super hi-rez

yes it is

For whoever saw it, was it this?

knowyourmeme.com/photos/1225888-Sup Forums-alien-sighting-hoax

thats from 60's era Star Trek lmao

Real image

Why are you reviving that topic user? I remember that shit but didn't save it.

yeah that specific picture is a fake but the real incident happened

ik but the first one is the supposed real one

research for a paper i'm writing and too much about this seems legit

how do you know?

cuz I remember when all that shit happened and I saved it

amp.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5vpcs9/Sup Forums_goes_down_supposedly_just_after_user_posts/

This is weird, because supposedly this shit happened exactly one year before as well

well that's not it that pic is old af

the first one I posted dude
this one

Lol was made to overshadow original OP's thread that 404'd this was the of picture shared the triangle area below

ok what I'm trying to find out is if the site actually went down and for how long, what error msg's displayed when you tried to access the site? I'm researching about how the GOV can spike a site, take it down and then delete data


I remember that

fuck off CIA nigger


wtf is this


Some secret shit bring covered up by the government, OP found it and thread 404'd I don't have the test of the pics. Looked like a base

HEY you fucking idiots

Did you not read the fucking comment I posted or what???

This shit happened THE SAME FUCKING DAY in 2017. Are you guys fucking blind click on the fucking link this is important

amp.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5vpcs9/Sup Forums_goes_down_supposedly_just_after_user_posts/

since the 2016 election, most users on this site are bots, so.....

Beep boop how are you so sure you aren’t also

yeah im reading thru this wtf are u talking??

Idk what it means, but the same exact shit happened last year. Someone posted an ayy and Sup Forums shut down.

This one?

stop posting pics of ur sister Jeeter

wait so it's happened twice? what are the dates?

2/22/17 and 2/22/18

That's my point mate. Literally one year apart

you mean 2/22/16 ?

No, 2017

Click on the Reddit link. It's 2/23/17, a discussion the day after. Are you slow?

Honestly wtf does it matter if there are aliens or not. How does it effect you in the least bit?

would be cool to know to be fair

so your saying the 2nd time was last week?

Oh hey heads up you guys when the captcha does that thing where the picture fades into white, you’re getting your picture taken or being recorded so smile and say something silly

Yes the second time was last week, and the first time was a year before last week

What do you mean, like after you complete the captcha?


is it true

where are you getting this info from? that reddit post only references the site take down from last year, I haven't heard anything about a take down last week

Aliens from other planets have never visited this planet and never will.

Yeah fug off shillcuck


The site was taken down last year. This time I don't know if something happened because I wasn't lurking.

any proof the site was taken down last week?



go back to trolling /x/ you scum

Morons cant follow links posted ITT
this board is 70 IQ