Chinks making faces

Chinks making faces


Oh no my wonton!






















Bump for sauce






Not sure why it converted to jpg


kek, i think that i know her

False advertising - I was expecting fuck faces...






First mistake : Having expectations on Sup Forums.




Too much porn on Sup Forums, so come on and help derail the thread even more

Filename kek



so kawaii, would mamoru








Festival stuff. New moon? New Year? I forgot. Traditional stuff anyway.

looks like Ainu





Might be related somewhere in the past. These guys are in Russia, very much the Pacific part. This festival is competitive face-making to appease some volcano god. google search put me right to the place that I originally saw this.





There are native Ainu is Russia too.


From the Dr. Ikkaku Ochi Collection, a 19th century book of medical oddities. The book didn't label any of the photos, so it's unclear what condition they had.


I know a spic when I see one.

I'd guess possession

oh the zuckerbergs actually have sex?




more like Onryƍ

and there i was thinking little boy or fat man put that smile on her face


Looks like a serious case of cleft palate.

little too early

ok you got me.

Sauce lol


don't they always?














I fucking hate this cringey shit.

Thanks for sharing