What do her farts smell like?

What do her farts smell like?

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Probably methane.

maybe like a fart but i'm just guessing

rotting flesh and cabbage

Like bags of sand

Like every other female fart then. Virgies seem to expect them to smell like warm cinnamon.

girls dont fart you stupid nigger

they smell like fart

They smell like what her face looks like. Shit. Makeup can be deceiving virgin fags, she a shit.

>What do her farts smell like?
semen scented shit

What dirt have you got on her?

Most likely she has silent but deadly ones that smell like the sweaty meat a kebab shop has

Nigger cock

Are you gonna eat that?

Here's a guy who's familiar with the smell of nigger cock

it's me, and yes I'm a nigger andrologist.

I've fucked her. I can't give you proof so i won't bother with the story since no one would believe me here. Bitch is ugly up close that's all.

Seriously? I'm guessing this was back before she was famous?

Russian loli is the best loli



i refuse to click that shit nigger

like a dumpster full of indian food in the summer time.

It's safe to click, it's not a functioning hyperlink

Tapioca pudding and dog vomit.

Click it and win a free ride in an fbi limo.

it is if you use the offial Sup Forums app!

But women do.

>Using the official app
What's next, go to sleep if told by odd or even numbers?

What? I'm just saying if you use the app instead of a web browser on mobile its a functioning hyperlink. Sorry, I didn't know I had to explain everything to you.

When you're this autistic, you use the official app

>Use facts in argument
>Opponent uses subjective and irrelevant name calling
>I'm the autistic one

Sure pal

>Use tired, substandard cliche jokes
>user thinks hes in a serious argument
Yes indeed, you are the autistic one.

I also suspect you don't think I'm your pal :(

Just to remind you both, you're having an argument in a thread about what a pop star's farts smell like.

cabbage and brown mustard

shes more than a pop star Bud, shes my future wife

>Copy my antics
>Downplay lose by discrediting argument as joke

Its okay my autistic child, rest now.

Think whatever you'd like buddy

>obvious non virgin detected
welcome to the club Sup Forumsro
theres not many of us

Are you suggesting I give up? Before the thread 404's?


I made a girl fart once. I was walking out of movie theater just as people were going in, and there was this cute blonde walking in and she wasn't looking where she was going, and I went, "Boo!" to get her attention and she farted and then laughed.