Do the women of Korea have any flaws?

Do the women of Korea have any flaws?

they are korean

pan faced

that's no flaw

gooks are butt ugly


in fact korean girls are mosty ugly as fuck. But plastic surgery are cheap over there





pathetic gooks trying to pass for white..thats why these yello niggers get so much plastic surgery & use skin lighteners lolz

flat face
turn to zombies after like 35
hairy snatch
weird skin on snatch, always looks rough
weird fuck noises, a mix of pain, rape and fear, like all azns
spicy food makes but smell


So many flaws they’ve all gone under plastic surgery

Looks like a trap, 10/10 though, I'd marry in a heart beat

no she's not trying to look white that's just how choa looks

none of that is true

the natural ones are the prettiest as seen here

she's a WOMAN and you will never so shut up

theyre better at video games than i am



yeah right thats natural blonde gook hair




Why are gooks/chinks the most ugly lizard looking race
I'd legit be ashamed if my daughter brought home a gook. I'd rather my child be half Black, Hispanic over being half gook.

all Koreans have gross knee cellulite. you prolly never noticed before but now you will always see it and it will repulse you





They are chinks?



The only flaw is they can be quite aggressive, also never cheat on them or you might end up with a knife in your chest.

Source: Korean girlfriend




Can't see if they have flaws cuz of that plastic. Oh wait.

I would recommend a korean gf to all of those doll fags. Fucked one once and it was just like fucking a lifeless silicone doll.


cut Koreans are works of art


no they are perfect

They are 3D










People without flaws are boring. Boring is a flaw. But if they have a flaw are they still boring??










Koreans are basically Chinese

Yeah,,, most live in Korea. Then there's the teeth...

and yet you'd fuck one at the first chance you get. Fuckin virgin

Korean girls is how i got a armpit fetish.
Smooth af. Wanna lick em


ok lots of hard working celebs .. but how is the average next door korean girl ?

gooks are ugly

They have no soul.


Not Choa. Shes perfect

yes, you understand

Choa is the new queen of Sup Forums



I mean... shes a goddess


their farts smell like kimchi

YES! love the choa embrace the choa

i agree friend and don't post those types of pictures of our choa she wouldn't like it i'm pretty sure

Not dominant enough.

>Do the women of Korea have any flaws?
limited time warranty on parts

Yes, just like women of any ethnicity. Some are beautiful, some are normal and most are unattractive. However, most of the beautiful koreans you see on the internet or K-pop have went under the knife to make their features more western. I lived in Korea for a year and it wasn't much different than any other place I've been in terms of the ratio of beautiful women to the rest

>Do the women of Korea have any flaws?
They're Korean. They look like they're made out of wax... artificial Japanese women.

>weird fuck noises, a mix of pain, rape and fear
How is this any problem whatsoever

They're not white.


Dated one. They're probably the most shallow, appearance driven culture I've ever encountered, in every respect. You will constantly be judged for every miniscule thing you do, and God fucking help you if you do anything that a korean would unspokenly consider wrong or embarrassing. Good luck figuring out what it is beforehand, or even was after the fact, though.
They're fucking crazy & beyond spiteful. They will do the absolute most passive aggressive shit they can think of for any minor infraction of their image upkeep.




They all go to the same plastic surgeon.




