okay people of /b. about a week or two ago i posted a thread about a health problem of mine. basically what i discovered is that my balls have been turning black due to me not showering often.
you all told me to go to a doctor, because this could be because of an infection.

so.. next day after posting the thread i straight up went to the doctor, and my most dreaded fear became reality: the balls had to come off.
on the same day i had to go to the hospital, and after about 3 days i had my surgery.

i came home yesterday and because i promised you to update /b on the situation, here you go.

also: ask a guy who got his balls cut off everything


Dude is it even worth living without your balls?

Are you fucking retarded? How hard is it to shower? Just put water and soap on your skin for like 7 minutes once every two days.

Are you gonna make yourself a qt trap now

im not gonna show strangers on the internet my fucking ball stitches.
it just looks like skin under my penis now (with lots of stiches)

Pictures and timestamp or it didn't fucking happen.

You aren't him. kys.

i expected worse. the only difference now is that i dont have the urge to masturbate anymore. could also be because im still worn out and on medication

Man, that's nuts.

Well, was.



stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

pics or it didn't happen

at least you wont breed anymore.

Nice teeth

I guess you aren't going to reply because you can't defend yourself. Disgusting fat pig.

how do you not notice your balls turning black?

If you don't want to show us your nut husks, show us the discharge papers or something. Cover your personal info, show us the bit where it says you've had a ballectomy.

look man. ive had these questions the first time i made a thread about it. i know it was an error. i know i should have showered.
what else can i say now?

you think youre the first one to call me a pig? get original

What caused it then? I'm genuinely curious if it was just due to you not washing yourself, or if it was some sort of torsion etc cutting off the blood supply and causing necrosis.

why would anyone want to see that?
i already described what it looks like and if you really are that sick of a bastard to want to see that, just get on google images

I just said I didn't want to see it, dumbass. I said post your hospital papers as proof.

well, im in a football (soccer for you americans) club. and my doctor told me that a mix of sweat and activity + not showering could have lead to my dying ball tissue

Hmm ... I call LARP. How can your balls come off form not showering all that bacteria is your own unless you dipped them in someone else shit and had a deep cut.

i dont have them. what i can show you is the medication they prescribed me after leaving.

in a soccer club and doesn't shower, i can only imagine the stench

Also what are you going to do for the follow up? Hmm?

They give discharge papers the moment you leave the hospital fag.

You got just what you deserved for not posting pics of your balls.

my team members first complained about it in december (i made a thread about that on Sup Forums too because i thought they over-reacted. turned out that it was actually me who was wrong)

stop deluding yourself, nobody here believes in your story

I swear this mother fucker asked me for change on the street today

This pic is from two years ago faggot.

It’s called an 'orchidectomy' - rather beautiful really.

What can i do to avoid this situation? i do shower but is there anything else to it?

I cannot believe a single person would ever believe this bullshit, even on Sup Forums.....fuck, even a Trumpster is smart enough to know.

Calling bullshit. Will show face but nothing else? Discharge paper, medication, ball-less sack that was operated on, literally nothing but bullshit.

show us the balls

or the lack of them, i guess

How do you actually get to this stage? I mean, there is a difference between having a hygiene problem and not having any at all.

Your life is pretty much over.

Good luck dying alone.

LoL. You don’t have nuts. What’s the point of jacking off now?

You most definitely should.

I'm assuming you're a Bong. I am as well, and they gave me a relatively large stack of papers when I was in earlier this year, and it was nowhere near the severity of "Lopping my nads off."

TIL, thanks user. I can definitely work this into insults.

Show us the pickled Ball sack faggot!

show balls
or lack thereof

>quickly scroll down this thread
>no pics of empty necrotic ballsack

What's the point of this thread, you cumdrinking, nutless fuck?

yeah nah you wont ave experience libido aka sexual drive anymore. you're proper fucked. considering your bad hygiene and you not doing something about it - I'm glad you're off the gene pool

pics or it didn't happen