Did i just cucked myself Sup Forums?

did i just cucked myself Sup Forums?

>be me
>taking friend's "girlfriend" to her pysichiatrist
>they just fuck sometimes they aren't really dating
>walk a long fucking way
>thought the whole way there I keep sending clues about
>she keeps saying that it would be wrong because friend and shit
>we fucked the same girl at the same time once so wtf
>get to psychiatrist
>get early
>"hey user, hug me, I'm feeling lonely"
>keep saying that I'm a slave because i walked with her all the way there for nothing
>after a few minutes talking and hugging her
>bitch start bitting my neck
>"I thought you thought that it would be weir or something"
>"oh not if no one see us, also, don't talk about this to no one"
>start kissing
>massive boner comes in
>"oh that's weird, i just felt something in my leg haha" weird ass laugh
>i dont know what you're talking about
>it wasn't me for sure
>"you're saying that I'm not good enough for you?"
>no it wasn't tha-
>"fuck you"
>she then goes to her psychiatrist

I'm waiting outside with the hopes to make peace and eventually fuck

did i just cucked myself?

Other urls found in this thread:


Hope not user send pics

May as well sign up, you're one of them now.

... are you for real? Post pic of the wating room time stamped


fucking leave dude...


had to print out of my camera because maximum file size and shit

but really wat do


fuuuuck she's coming out in like 30 minutes

Take some deep breaths and tell her that you want to need to fuck her when you're alone

Just be like "haha, jokes! I think you're super sexy. Hoe was psychiatrist? " Then just finesse and bring her back to your place and fuck. Don't fuck up again or ur probs done.

And like talk dirty to her on the way back, get her wet af and horny for you.

how the fuck i would do that?

>hey lemme give you the ol lickaroo

how the fuck would i do that*
sorry retarded romanic speaker

lol @ the thread's 13yr old

just take your cock out when she gets in the car. she'll jump all over it.

" I think you're mad sexy btw, and like when we were kissing back there you were getting me rock hard. I want to duck the shit out of you with this dick and it will be so fucking good, haha you're not even going to remember (your friend''s) name. " "damn, I could take you right here right now on the way back, (start hooking up with her again, finger her and shit, whisper in her ear what you're going to do to her, bite ear lobe.)" Have fun with it and be sexy as fuck. You've got this in the bag, she was biting you she likes it rough and kinky.

Grab her ass and like smack it if timings right.

dems dont cuck, your thinking of republicucks. ask any cucks girl. they act all tough on the outside but want to wear panties under their suits.

"I bet your pussy tastes so fuckING good, I can't wait to taste it when we get back."


holy fuck that made me wet

but idk, I'm kind of shy (massive faggot i know)

but fuck it, I'll try

and if we really fuck I'll try to record it and will post here, anyway will post result if it fails to (idk she probably is still fucking pissed and her psychiatrist is kind of a bitch too, they may be talking right now)

you are carrying a girl to a mental health doctor one who just fucks your friend sometimes same girl just had a massive mood swing on you and you still want to fuck

OP i think its best to cut

>tfw she's walking to her work after this and can't jump at my cock

she's hot, she got this perfect waist and kind of a big ass (like the ideal size) and it's just beautiful and makes me hard

but she's really fucking strange sometimes with these mood changes

then before you leave the building push her into the mens room and start kissing her. be a man for fucks sake

Drop that bitch idc how much of a beta you are

Take it from me 2 yrs with a someone who sees a psychiatrist on the regular and has really bad mood swings sometimes she even gets physical I would advise to dip and search for poon elsewhere crazies arent worth it cause next thing you know your counting the days away for her next random emotional outburst. GL OP pic related

listen to this user
do your thing then get the fuck away, she sounds like a crazy whore

I once had a girlfriend who SHOULD see a psychiatrist regularly, believe me, you don't want a crazy girl, I almost had to call the police when I broke up with my ex

Forgot to add "Listen to this" at the beginning



shes legitimately insane.

do what you want if you dont care to be a decent friend to your friend.

Cardinal Rule : Never stick your dick in Crazy!

its not worth it

i have this friend of mine, who would suddenly switch my name on facebook to "daddy"

and id love to fuck her ass

BUT I WONT, Because you never know if the next thing she does is commiting suicide and you get blamed. Or she steals half of your shit and buys some coke from niggers and they come and beat your shit out.

Or she just hurts you, constantly, after you get attached.

Dont. Just dont and watch your friend suffer instead. Jerk off to the thought of it when you come home. Just dont do it in real life. You can even grab her ass when you leave, but dont finalize it with fucking because she will get fucking insane.

>girl seeing pysichiatrist
>"hey user, hug me, I'm feeling lonely"
>keep saying that I'm a slave because i walked with her all the way there for nothing
>"I thought you thought that it would be weir or something"
>"oh not if no one see us, also, don't talk about this to no one"
>boner from kissing
>sex defining your life
>the rest of that cringy shit

Just how old are you, you newfag?
Too bad this isn't a forum so your retardedness could be saved for generations. In a few years you look back to this and how stupid you were

i bet op watches pewdiepie

you also betrayed your friend, nice going user

>"I thought you thought that it would be weir or something"
fuck up here, should have just gone with it, don't ever question when you're about to get your dick wet
>i dont know what you're talking about
fucked up again by being a faggot about it
just take her hand and put in on there at that point

Why would you fuck a chick who needs to see a shrink? Thats dangerous my man.

This. Don't stick your dick in crazy, OP. Trust me, I've done it. Repeatedly. Not worth it/10

OP here, this is what happened while i was out
>she lefts psychiatrist
>she was crying
>hey sor-
>"i hate when i cry user"
>why were you crying
>"because of something i can't fucking tell you

I'll continue later she's complaining about ne being on the phone

man be careful


>ok after last gt we go to the bathroom together
>make out
>grab ass as hard as i could
>anyway we make out and shit
>go to take her to her job
>"user why don't we go to the furniture store user?"
>bitch wanna fuck in the store? wtf
>anyway we walk and make out
>finally she will go the other way around
>we hug and say goodbye
>awkwardly moves toward her
>"the fuck you doing?"
>hug her
>won't i get a goodbye kiss?
>kiss cheeks
>gets out ashamed of myself


shes going to a shrink.. tf u expect.jpeg

Nah you'll be alright, you can well still fuck her. Do you live far from where she works? Get her to come over after you shift

how old are you?
that how chicks play hard, most likely you can fuck her after the shift

forgot to add but i got a handjob in the store, the thing is, i didn't asked her to go to my house which is bad(???)

fuck I'm really bad at these things, been a beta for 23 years and now friend's girl want to hook up

>i didn't asked her to go to my house which is bad(???)

yea you are retarded

guys i think she took my wallet

I'm not fucking kidding that bitch took my wallet

Don’t stick yo dick in crazy

which contains my home keys

my phone battery is dying imfucked
it usually turns itself off when is at 6%-5% because shitty motorola phone

You know where she works. Go cut a bitch

If she really did take it, then you should have no problem getting it back. If you can’t post anymore, I wish you gods speed OP

Wtf is this thread...

don't stick your dick in crazy. Especially not that crazy

Lol I've been fucking my best friend for months now and her long distance bf found out about us and this cock decided to still keep the relationship. He honestly thinks she's been loyal ever since he found out but we're still fucking behind his back.