So how does it feel to know that you normalfag scum aren't actual anons?

So how does it feel to know that you normalfag scum aren't actual anons?

your the normalfag

Been here since '09 and I have a somewhat healthy social life. I want to die every time I open up this fuckin' page.


>been here since 09
yeah, sure you have kiddo



yay i been on here longer than anyone. kek

>yay i been on here longer than anyone. kek
yeah, sure you have kiddo

>moar queershit
every 3 and < you post makes you more of a summerfag than you already are
yeah, sure you have kiddo


actually it's not samefag
surprised to see someone else try and disregard that I suck cocks on a forced user board

Dido. It's funny, I leave for months straight, come back and think about how much worse it seems, and stick around for a few months
Rinse, repeat. My life has gotten so much better than it was back when I first started too, I thought success would deliver me away from this place
>it hasn't... Here for life

Wow nice

Why are you guys so full of shit?

trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

You don't even greentext properly, greentexting has to be when you are quoting someone you summershit dumbass

>how do i use this feature? guys?

>using old kym tier memes
You're one candy assed mother fucker.

Came to this thread solely for this.


lol i found about this site from reddit

r/greentext is best thing ever xd

>yeah sure you have kiddo
yeah sure you have kiddo

you have to press a post number, type >, turn the computer off, get some datura plants, and eat them until everything goes black
still better than your
>reddit spacing
you need to go back
>shit tier speech pattern that hasn't been used properly for years now
who are you even talking to?

autism the post

this will be my last post on this website, i’ll keep lurking and when i am ready i will come back.

whats reddit spacing tho?

>implying implications

"hey look at me, im a bigger faggot than you because i hang out more on this godforsaken faggotsite, faggot"

Whilst user baited every single fish in the thread,I noticed that he saved that gif from Tumblr

thats the point

Don't do this, it creates mustard gas!
Please use proper punctuation when replying to my posts please and thank you.
>2020 - 2
>failing to mock a board redirect
>implying you're using it correctly
Stop fucking samefagging already.

>who are you even talking to?
yeah sure you have kiddo

autism in action

I've been here for nine fucking years, starting when I was thirteen. You don't get to come here and tell me I don't belong because I'm not a fat neet, nigger.