Be me, almost got in fight on bus today

>be me, almost got in fight on bus today
>2 dudes holding hands
>someone was like shielding their child who was looking
>so the guys stopped
>I said "No, fuck that. Don't do that. Hold his hand!"
>she says "I don't want my child seeing that!"
>I stand up and say "What? Love? Oh, how horrible. What a terrible thing for your child to see."
>And I said to the kid "These two men love each other and that's ok, no matter what anyone tells you"
>The bus cheered
>As I'm gettting off at my stop one of the guys came to me and was tearing up
>He says thanks
>I say "Don't thank me. Seriously. This nonsense of thanking people for being decend humans needs to stop. You're welcome, though"

Seriously, what's up with all these homophobic people? Literally grow the fuck up!

Shut up, faggot


Quit using catchphrases and take your homo shit to /lbgt

OP is a literal faggot

>force kids to watch two gays
what are you some kind of peado op?

This’s is true I was the gay guy it’s real

kys faggot


>2 dudes holding hands

gross lol. would have made me uber uncomfortable. and if they started kissing, forget about it haha. i would have been throwing up.

sorry you had to witness that, OP.

I'm all for gay dude's doing whatever they want as long as it's appropriate, but you're kind of a shit head for trying to tell another parent how to raise their children.


Ur mom big Gæ

>the bus cheered

That happened...

And neither of those gay dudes even offered to blow you?! Wtf? Here you are taking time out of your day to white knight for these fags...

>bus cheered

fake and gay

OP, I know you want to be nice and show consideration for people like that and all and that's noble of you but the problem is that we all know how gays are: if they decide to take their behavior out of private and into the public, it won't be much longer until the public sees them TOUCHING their privates! You know what I mean though? One second it's holding hands, the next second it's 69ing right there in front of everyone. They're out of control. Not cool.

and then the entire universe clapped. fuck off with your fake stories, fag lord


wow the people here are nice as always...

>and everyone clapped and cheered

This happened

>Thé bus cheered
Why is anyone even bothering to comment about how fake this is at that point


The bus cheered? When the hell did buses have opinions on anything, never mind the ability to cheer?!

i know. aren't we wonderful?
