Ask a cuckold who'll be raising another man's child in 9 months anything

Ask a cuckold who'll be raising another man's child in 9 months anything.

What does a length of sturdy rope and a wobbly stool cost these days?

No more bumping! Let it die!

3 bait 5 me you fucking shill

Rope goes around the neck and towed 90kmh behind a truck (op)

show us your wife or GTFO

Found a stool on google for about 25 bucks. Rope really cheap at a dollar a foot.
No shill. Just like talking about my fetish finally becoming reality. Made a thread yesterday but it just turned into people arguing over definitions and someone whining like some fire brand preacher
No pics. Her and our bull are already uncomfortable with me discussing it here. No way would they let me post pics.

then fuck off.


>in 9 months

so she found out she was pregnant immediately after conception?

wow, what bullshit...!

We've been planning it for a while and she just recently started getting morning sickness. She took the test yesterday and it was positive. So I guess "around 9 months, maybe closer to 8" would be more accurate, but also pointlessly so.

your my guy ;] /thread

not pointless my friend a huge slip in detail that a cuck pervert shares online so he can masturbate to other men fetisizing his wife in a fake scenario
next time write the story before you get horny that way you dont post dead giveaways you sage master

You're wrong.


>'re wrong!

What happens when the kid finds out it only exists because it's father wanted to fulfil a ridiculous fetish?

I love this question. I ask it to every cuck and never receive an answer.

Daddy? Why are mom and you white and I am brown? Why are all my friends at school laughing at me?

>"HA HA, I've found you out! You said 9 months, when realistically by the time you'd find out it'd be 8.5!"
He'll never know because we'll never tell him. And it being a fetish is not the only reason we're doing it. I have several genetic health issues I'd rather not pass on. It turning me on is merely a bonus.

Our bull is white like me. That won't be an issue.

please dont feed this man its all made up if you ignore him hell go away

>Continues to be angry but is actual retard so can only reply with

>He'll never know because we'll never tell him.
HE WILL ALWAYS FIND OUT. If he ever needs a blood transfusion or kidney, or even gets a medical history during a physical, the gig is up. I know someone who is a product of incestual rape who found out her "uncle" was her father and she shot him.





just the child's father know your a sick fuck?







1. What is your relationship like with the bull? How does he treat you and your significant other (SO)?

2. What is your relationship like with your SO? Are you submissive in any respects beyond sexual?

3. What does your future look like as a cuckold? Will your wife have more kids to this man or other men? Will you have your own biological kids? Will any bulls be involved in the childs life?


how does it feel being a dissapointment to your species?







Just being family doesn't automatically mean you can give blood to each other or donate organs. If your blood type doesn't match it doesn't work regardless of relation. If he did find out some way and asked I'd tell him it was because of genetic issues, which is, for the most part, true.
He was thought it was kind of weird when we brought it up to him (we were already doing cuckoldry before the whole baby thing came up) but he doesn't mind anymore.
1. He is very dominant in the bedroom but he tends to keep it in there. We get along like normal friends outside of sex.
2. Maybe a little bit. She knows how to push my buttons to get what she wants.
3. I doubt we'll be having more after this. Definitely won't be having my own. He'll be involved as a family friend/"uncle" sort of way.
Kinda sucks, but I manage.


Serious question

When the small kid come out of the ladys pussy cunt

Will it be shit skin or bright pale person


Like I said, the real father is white like me.
White parents=white kid
I honestly don't get the whole raceplay thing with cucking.

This thread again




Yeah, the one I made yesterday was a mess so I thought I'd try it one more time. Don't know what it is about cucking that makes people want to argue semantics.

Dude there is a place for people like you
>reddit cuckold
now gtfo off of Sup Forums


I may be a cuck but I refuse to be called a redditor. Go fuck yourself.

this guy fucking gets it purge the garbage waste of space


Thanks for bumping this thread

why also saging constantly with me and you being the only people here could yu just kill yourself so i can go im tired of typing captas and these screenshots take up space on my desktop thanks for understanding

>he thinks he can sage with images
And you're telling me to got to reddit.

> he thinks he can sage by typing sage in all caps in the options and literally sits here talking to a man
>im sowwy i kwilled you dumb fake fwed op ;[

im andy sixxx ama

What the fuck are you even saying? You can't sage while also posting an image. Lurk moar.