Hey b

Hey b
What you gonna say bout this pill?

Other urls found in this thread:


bet you won't crush & snort it

Shitty x cut with some other shitty shit.

boof it

If it's not MDMA you're fucked!
Only take pills from trusted sources or have a test kit handy!

Looks like something I wouldn't have bought

its blue and round

Snap in half and post pics to identify

Looks like MDMA to me, but I wouldn't try it if I were you. Too many shady ass dealers breaking up fentayl in their drugs now adays, so if it's not from a trusted source, you should turn it into the police for luls

^^ user has the right idea

looks like 2cb to me tbh but you cant really tell anything by just looking, maybe taste

>pressed pill

so they're just killing people now? cool

Haha youre obviously not up with the times man. I always get 2cb pills, theyre much smaller of course than mdma pills and usually really hard pressed so much harder to break. Theyre pretty popular in Holland but I hear 2cb can be really hard to get in other places.

Idk I usually get both as pure crystal when possible, usually predosed in those push together clear capsules cause plug is a bro. Pressed pills are way too easy to cut and there seems to be a lot of that going around these days, though I can't speak much for holland

Of course, pretty much all pills are cut but once you get a good batch you can usually get them again from the same dealer or you can find them on pillreports. Although 2cb in my experience usually isnt cut, just weak pills and strong pills. The way this one is pressed and with the lighter blue discolorations would make me think its 2cb over mdma but you cant really say anything about it until you test it.

you ever done ald-52? I'm curious about it.

Yeah lots of people dying in my area lately from it, worries me as a fellow drug user

Yeah very true, I just worry about what things they are being cut with when any shady dude with a press can make something that looks legit to a newbie. Can be a dangerous game if you don't have a good dealer. I've never had 2c in a pill before so I can't say much for that but you sound like you know your stuff.

No, sorry. My country has really shitty analogue laws so there's no reason not to go for good old fashioned lsd over an analogue.
I do find them interesting though. From what I hear from others (regarding 1p) it's almost indistinguishable unless you are a seasoned hippy, I imagine ALD would be a similar story.

2c is dangerous if you dont know the dose in pressed pills especially because of the potential cut substances


I'm pretty sure thats a urinal cake