Went to a massage place in OK and go this. She spoke not English. How did I do?

Went to a massage place in OK and go this. She spoke not English. How did I do?

Nice. How much?


Where at?

>she spoke not English

So same as you then.

What's the universal signal for when you want a happy ending? I was told it was to ask for "A Rubcock Liquid Release." Is this correct?




Where is this place?

sorry to the grammar nazis. I was voice texting. Had my hidden cam on me. These were screen shots of the videos. $150. I feel like I did good.

If you have a video just fucking post that instead of screens


>blatantly looking right at it like "wtf?"



post the vids OP

What a pussy

She was looking at my clothes and shoes. Probably trying not to think about strange dick entering her.

No. Pussy is what I was in...

Where at? Also did you use protection?

Will not give location.
Yes I used protection

Just think of all the other dudes she probably fucked that day. Something tells me you loved used goods.

>A Rubcock Liquid Release
My fucking sides

I knew one from Zimbabwe once. She dipped my bald head on oil and let me rub it all over her body.

Didn't speak a lick of English.

I know. I was impressed she was still tight. Maybe it waa just swollen. Still nice.....

Congrats OP, you have a form of HIV now. And what a shame that it was on your first time.

Oh definitely not my first time.....

>I feel like I did good

You did fucking terrible.

post those vids

Why make a thread then.
To show us how insecure a beta sucker you are, instead of sharing a whore.

You kinky bug chaser you

How do you find places in the area. I am interested. Pls halp

looks like you need a benis enlargement before you go again

I'm greedy like that

This thread is useless. All I got out of it was that this guy is incapable of fucking a woman without paying her

Don't need an enlargement when paying...

Dubs says the truth.

OKC? I'm on NW side and see plenty of places for massages... Wonder if any are that one


Lol what a fucking loser

Sure ya did kiddo

who was taking these pictures?



You don't speak English either. What's the big deal?



howd you find the place, rubmaps?

was she part of a lineup or she just came in when you got a room.

when you gonna post the vid my man. well done OP

What does OK mean?

Line up. There were 3 Mexican girls. She was the hottest.

Oklahoma, USA

howd you find the place

give us a full green text with some webm's OP, those tits on her

waiting for the vid!


deliver op

Post that shit

How much was it

$150 is a great price. Did you actually get a massage? I need one to realign my back and I want a happy ending to go along with it

but who was phone


Where in Oklahoma? That's nice talent for a rub and tug.

I live in OK!!! Please at lease give me a general area so I can research myself... you know, for science

Oklahoma county


At least give me a district... south side, Asian district, paseo?

congratulations on supporting your local human trafficking racket

>won't post the vid
>won't tell the location
I have doubts that this is true tbh.
Even if it is idk why did you even make the thread, to let us all know that you had sex?

I don't think she was very high trafic.....yet.....

Yes that is correct. Yay sex for me

>tfw my friend does this regularly
>tfw I just want to get my back rubbed but what if the bitch starts getting naked

150 is awful mate. My dude pays no more than 80 for intercourse.


Most of the amp’s particularly the ones where they offer fs the girls are human trafficking victims to some extent.

It's like £50, £60 round here. $80 max. And they speak english

Did this one a few years ago

$150 to fuck isn’t bad but you can get almost any escort for a 1/2hr at that rate. Probably something hotter than this basic asian.

As opposed to blow jobs which are 40-60 depending on the place.
Handy is 20.
Been to a few but it ain't my scene. Feels wicked awkward. Prefer to fuck a bitch That wants to get fucked.
My one hommie goes on the regular.

rather have any chink


I mean sure, if you want something shit, go for it.

Sit your ass down and shut up. The Sup Forumsro is doing a service and he's not your little beat-off edge" monkey doing your bidding while you grind your organ.

what? its an illegal being used as a sex slave, what are you talking about

She is mexican

Which energy company do you work for?

Attractive escorts can run up to $200. For parlor girls it's $50 at the door and then $100 to the girl. You're only getting a half hour so don't get gay with the "Can I have an hour?" shit. You're one and done. Don't let people fuck you over.

Also build a rapport with these ladies so you can fuck em on the side on their own time and do more stuff to them. Also? Go to fucking rubmaps and look up shit in your area. Get a location and either drop $30 for a subscription to the site or just find a spot that has high reviews and then walk in blind.

mfw i payed $80

What'd you give at the door?

so this whole thread is fake then

$40 at the door, $40 for "tip"

Only downside to this is that you are collecting evidence on yourself. Lets say the cops raid the place. They probably have a signal for that. She throws a towel over you and gets dressed fast. Cops come in and find camera.

post moar. esp her ass or asshole if you have either of them

op stop being a faggot and post the video

If you can't get laid anywhere else in the USA, move to Oklahoma City or Albuquerque.

Thank me later.

id rather be lonely than live in either of those places

this. Pls post asshole.
