I hate my breasts and I want to know do other guys find them repulsive. I fed my kid for a long time

I hate my breasts and I want to know do other guys find them repulsive. I fed my kid for a long time

Who the fuck cares?

Stop digging for karma and attention.

yeah those are pretty disgusting

Kys. Fuckin nasty

Need to see more to judge.

Not so bad, show from different angles and positions

Stand up and take a proper photo and then we can judge. Your nipples are hot regardless.

disgusting put a shirt on

“Kid” so that means you’re damaged goods.


Love em

Timestamp needed. Then opinions can be proffered.

Timestamp then I will vomit.

Trips say tittie timestamp

Gimme the milk momma

Dubs say do what trips demands

Trips and dubs confirm timestamp importance.

Spread cheeks

you know what?
I hate my heels, thus I always wear socks and shoes when I'm going out.

also, you're the usual gay faggot LARPing and asking for some fap speech from other incels like you, posting that random downloaded nudepic here to get upvotes.

Buttocks of fury

You getting a boob job?

Fuck off and come back with a timestamp

Tits and proper time stamp (date and time) you stupid cunt.

Show vag


I fucking love small breasts

Dubs of truth

No it's not a download

>other guys

>has a kid
>worried about tits
Disgusting. Worry about your kid a little more, you dumb slut.
Your breasts are fine. Your nipples sit a little funny but whatever.

God damn, fucking plebs

tits or gtfo

More dubs insist on timestamp. Do eet!

Timestrap or fuck off

No you need to take care of your kid. Boob job not nessessary

They aren’t repulsive, guys who say they are don’t deserve your time.

Find a real man

hey, stfu, We are degenerate here and only want to see her body. Fuck off white knights

they are droopy and the areolas are like plates