Ask a Proudboy anything. I'm a 2nd degree in the Seattle chapter of the Northwest Proudboys. I've been to the rallies...

Ask a Proudboy anything. I'm a 2nd degree in the Seattle chapter of the Northwest Proudboys. I've been to the rallies. I've squared off with Antifa. I fed an Antifa kid at one rally, lol. I am NOT racist nor fascists. The West is the best. UHURU!

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Does Gavin's beard smell like Aqua Velva or Brut?

Some of the Seattle boys. (Its usually a mix of Bellingham, Everett, Seattle and Vancouver)

Everybody in seattle hates you

No it smells of old spice and his wife's vigina. Venerate the house wife, ROO ROO!

I want to join the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights

Ah proof that the left is about HATE. Antifascista, out of work baristas! You can judge a man by his enemies. Mine are America hating Soyboys, and pussie hat wearing libtards. 2018 will go down as the year racist liberal white women failed to save all us poor darkies from their imaginary Nazis.

How's the cock taste?, how do you cope with the challenges of living with a micropenis?

That's a statement not a question. You might be able to get in touch with them at a rally. Kyle was really heading that up and being in and out of jail has fucked that up.

We hold rainbow parties the first Friday every month. Come on down Antifa get in for free.

You arent even worth being an enemy, you are just a sad little man
People pity you and your sad backwards ideals
Its just you are such a jackass about it that every one hates you

What were your cereals?

So you got into a fight with a group called Anti Fascist, and yours not a fascist. Makes sense.

Awe thanks for the encouragement, but my 3 sons and gorgous blonde haired blue eyed wife with her triple Ds make me feel quite secure with my 6 inches, it seems to be working just fine.

Do you have a Discord?

I made a list of 4 cereals with 1 syllable names, Life, Chex, Trix and something else but when it actually happened I just went with my favorites, PB Captn Crunch, Crunch berries, Rice Crispy treats, at that point some one got my kidney good, Grape nuts, Frosted Flakes. (the video is out on line so that's not quite the exact list)

Did they actually hit, or was it faggot punching?


Right cause a bunch of anarchist criminals who cover their face to beat, stab, pepper spray old ladies, homos and minorities because they disagree with them politically isn't fascist. Right and the Ministry of Truth isn't about propaganda, Truth is right in the name. The PBs stood up to defend EVERYONES rights at these rallies.

i live near everett

Honestly I have never looked into discord yet.

(((proud boys)))

proud of your ZOG?

What's the deal with the homoeroticism?

The shot to the kidney left me out of work for a day, I couldnt put on my back brace. I had lots of bruising but when you get that many people around one target its hard to wind up and really swing. We all havent perfected Bruce Lees one inch punch.

Roo Roo! Come to a rally and talk with us sometime.

can i suck your dick if come by?

What do you do when you get together?

If I wanted to start a PB chapter, do I have to meet Gavin, or can I just Skype him for his blessing?

Gay men, when they are trying to look masculine in order to fullfil their fantasy get tatoo, sports beard, wear masculine clothes ( like sportswear, biker attire, uniform etc..) and they look pathetic because deep down everyone can see they are faggot.

You are trying so hard to look masculine, that everyone knows that deep down you're a beta cuck in the closet. Your insecurities are obvious to anyone who is even mildly at peace with himself.

You look like a couple of child, pretending to be manly men, fighting useless and insignifiant war against people who are as retarded as you are.

Grow up

Its all for the Keks. We present as very Alpha and conservative so the left trying to call us homos thinking that would be the ultimate attack on our "fragile masculinity" we just roll with it and have a lark. Laughter is often the best way to take the venom out of ad hominem attacks. We are perfectly fine with homos, have gay members and are still secure in out manhood.

Sure, if you can figure out which one I am and if your cuter than my wife. LOL.

how to be a pb in 3 easy steps
1. buy gay overpriced uniform shirt
2. suck nigger dick in front of wife
3. anal with Gavin (u are bottom of, Gavin is no fag)

I got a new name for yall


kinda rolls of the tongue

Most of the time we drink, box, smoke and toke. Just hang out and support each other. This last Christmas we did a toy drive and I'm trying to get the guys to do more charity stuff its just hard when all your members have jobs. Things are very loosely organized right now. You don't need hiss blessing but if you or your group are dicks, trust me the other PB groups around you will take care of it.

mcinnes look like the type of nigga that dont clean his smegma

oz vey its the proud goys!!!

Have you met Gavin? Can he hold his drink?

Wow, you're so right. I've been denying myself for years. All that pussy I ate and fucked was just a lie. The 3 kids, two marriages just cover for my lust for cock. Speak the truth brother. I'm headed right to IGD and signing up for my pussy hat and black mask.

1. Fuck FP. We are making our own shirts now.
2. You got something against nigger dick, you racist homophobe, lol.
3. Actually Gavins beard really tickled my balls.


No, not yet. I could have at the vegas meet up last year but I was still on the fence about joining. maybe this year. but I am doing some work for him in the pb mag

that nigga gavin look like the kind dude that lets his wife get dogged my Pakistanis in hampstead heath

Well boys its time for work. This is the first time I've done this and got actually questions. Ill have to remember to do it when all you fags get home from school. But Ill be back - Covefee


>all the pol autists/proudboys are regular alpha dudes
>all the antifa/progressive(regressive) fags are beta numales and unwashed bulldykes with unnatural hair

stop trying to fit in, reddit

!!!!!!!!!!please let everyone know that Uncle forced Kirsten Dunst to spread her legs for McInnes:
100% proof!

At least in masonry you have to have a marketable talent. What's yours?

Normally I want to strangle newfags that say this but in this context...


Also fuck off



What's your tendie exchange for time spent at your rallies?
If it's better than my current gbp ratio I might show up.






Anonymous Sat 06 Jan 2018 13:12:57 No.756070268 ViewReport
The bundle was ten tiny plastic bags of beige powder wrapped with wax paper and stamped with a skull and crossbones. Dealers like branding their product as much as any small business owner and want you to know exactly who it was that got you so high.
Suroosh told me that whenever he heard someone OD'd, he and his junkie friends would run over to the guy's house hoping to find out what brand the guy was doing, because it must be some really good shit.

Gavin McInnes speaks for a second about the time Harmony was going to cut Terry Richardson
BTW, Gavin totally got that part about Harm not knowing T-Bone was a junkie at the time, 100% wrong.
there are many photographs for proof that T-Bone was hanging with Harm around the time they both started smoking heroin and snorting blow.
my guess is that Harm was going to cut T-Bone over some bad drug deal or because he was going to leak his nudes:
he is basically referring to Harm there +there were a few models/actresses that were pissed at T-Bone for "leaking" shots they didn't approve of.
also, earlier that week on Gavin's show, he was talking about his memory of those days not being so good, so that is why he totally fucked up about Harm not knowing T-Bone was going to nod out all day


this bog trotter should neck himself


Gavin talking about Terry & Vincent Gallo youtu

in that video Gavin is referring to this:

Suddenly it had become fashionable to link liberalism with weakness and conservatism with honesty. Underground film iconoclast Vincent Gallo (“Buffalo 66,” “Palookaville,” “Goodfellas”) is now quoting Nixon and Reagan as if they were Wordsworth and Yeats. Fashion photographer Terry Richardson (Gucci, Sisley, Levi’s) is showing up at conservative book launches and publicly trashing Clinton.









>being older than 10
>being a member of anything
>being this fucking gay






when your become third degree do you get to lick gavins taint?









Are these fuckbois really wearing Fred Perry polos?

Kill me








The fuck are proud boys? Haven't been on the chan in a minute.



