
eagrán na bhuachaillí

What does eagran mean?

>no = gael
Bad shout.

what IS the point of including that, never understood your reasoning

>ancestral larping
feck off

fuck off with your LARPing

*channels the ancestors*

It's pronounced "egg-ran" and comes from that old rhyme hey diddle diddle.

>hey diddle diddle the cat did a piddle, the cow jumped over the moon the little dog laughed to see such fun and the eggran away down my boobs

Annie maye pedos literally CAN NOT stop being triggered

>trying to understand Juniper
My best guess is he likes to push behaviours, memes and name conventions on people in the hope that it'll stick and change the general culture. He seems to derive a lot of satisfaction from believing he has influenced other people be it positively or negatively for some reason.

Can escape from the anime over here.

no thanks

>literal anime edition
fuck off

You weren't invited anyway, it's for Irish people.

exit my thread immediately


>the yank hates it
over i go

Looks like this will be a nice, inclusive thread.

he just has to ruin everything

kys personality obsessed weeaboo NEET scum
go back to the netherlands or wherever youre from

I thought I was collinsfag, angryanon and whoever else has caused you to be buttflustered in the past ):

Fuck off coffeefag.

You are all of those

>people stealing my insults against the orientally inclined

All me.

lot of west brits ITT

fuck off shithead

He looks like a lad I knew in secondary. I could see him shooting up some people.

why do you live with your mother and her Greek lover and not your father

reckon mine would've had one or two if Ireland had American gun laws

i dont think married people are called lovers, child.
and fuck me if i'll be frogweeb 2.0

>American gun laws
you mean good ones?

the frog's a saddo who cut all ties with his family though
you're a saddo who actually sleeps under the same roof as the greasy balkanigger PHALANXing your mammy while your da is still alive

Did you guys celebrate Bloomsday?

>american gun laws are good
Lads, I was exaggerating before, but I think he might actually be retarded.

he's right which I hate to say
American freedoms should be admired and envied the world round

>American freedoms should be admired and envied the world round
but they can't drink or gamble until 21. Doesn't sound very free to me.

Some do

>have wanked to Josie 6 times today

think I have a problem lads

arbitrary ages imposed differently in every country, it's not really important
having the ability/capability to fight against an oppressive government should it arise is a tremendous thing, any society that calls itself "free" should have the right to bear arms

Have a seventh

In theory gun ownership sounds good, but in the end you end with mostly only criminals owning them and ordinary people think they'll be safe until they get shot. Overall it does nothing but make the country more dangerous.

Criminals already own guns though

>everybody's rights should be curtailed because of knackers
fuck off o'higgins

I could take on the entire Irish armed forces, storm the Dáil and beat every politician into submission no problem.

I'd have one of these.

Yeah that is a problem, most normal men wank to Josie at least 11 times a day.

not a very impressive feat

theyre divorced and my father remarried too.
anyway my stepfather is a squeaky beta fuck.
all i know is that american gun laws are one of the best things about this country

>make guns legal
>everyone can own a gun, including criminals

>keep guns illegal
>literally only criminals can own guns so nobody can defend themselves from these gun-toting criminals

If you could perform one sexual act of your choosing with Josie while her boyfriend looked on, what would it be?

knacker scum will shank you anyway or shoot you with an illegal gun if guns are illegal.
if guns are legal you can shoot the knackers back.
dont people in limerick get hand grenaded from time to time? lol

10th amendment to the irish constitution: the right to shoot knackers

piss on her feet

threadly reminder Pearse and Parnell wanted Ireland to be an armed nation with at the very least armed local militias rather than individuals

Titfuck her, but at the last second turn around and cum on her bf.


Pearse also liked kissing little boys.


Don't make me get out his poetry again.

prod propaganda

Lads, why is it hotter than the surface of the Sun? Has global warming finally happened?

I don't know if I'm 100% pro-gun, but in most Europeans countries the only permissible self defense weapon is a rape whistle.

Cool where I am brah :^)

Cá bhfuil tú? It's like the inside of a toaster in Cork.

Níl sé fuair nó té i nGaillimh inis.

Heading to O'Meath tomorrow lads

Tá an t-ádh leat. Tá sé tar eis fuarú anois, ach do bhí sé míchompóirdeach inniu.

Oíche mhaith.

*wews into thread*
any news

>Oíche mhaith.
Why would you want to go there?

>have what feels like an incredibly long sleep
>have a weird dream about everyone going missing during the release of a new game
>wake up with a sore back from my shit bed and hear '50s music blasting from the next door neighbours
>mouth feels filthy
>eyes feel sleepy like after a really good sleep
>all signs point to the fact that it must be at least 11 AM by now
>turn on PC and check the time
>half past 7

i like waking up early sometimes and getting the most out of the day

Waking up early and playing games when servers are quiet is a nice feeling sometimes.
>mouth feels filthy
I hate this. I wake up every morning and despite brushing the night before my mouth feels like a swamp

Anybody ever get random bans on your phones 4G for things you never did?
Feels bad.

is the mick who speaks russian about
think we found your reddit account mate

bacteria still grows in your mouth at night, that taste is the germs

That wan with the musket is alright. I'd lob two fingers up her and offer her breakfast

Grand day for going outside.

windy as balls on the east coast :/


Fuck the sea

wasn't built for this weather

Don't steal my picture please.

I'll steal whatever images I want

Will box your jaw clean off.

Where is everyone today? I guess out doing stuff in the sunshine.

Alri lads

Gonna head out in a while myself with a friend, it's too nice not to do anything and it'll probably be back to being shite tomorrow

Had one of those dreams I couldn't tell was real or not until I woke up. There was a room in the house that was blocked off and could only be accessed by crawling through the attic and dropping down. Fairly sure it was in a previous dream I had months back as well.

East coast is worst coast. South east and south are best.
Celtic sea B o y z

>he doesn't border the Atlantic Ocean

>he doesn't live in the Garden of Ireland

>LARPing as counties
If you can't see the Atlantic ocean from your doorstep you don't border it.

Technically the Celtic sea is the Atlantic so get fucked.
>Irish sea plebs.
Enjoy your radiation and shallow paddling pool.


>He lives somewhere where flooding is a real threat

you don't know what LARPing is, stop being a retard

I don't want to go outside, I fucking hate the sun

romanians out

Normalfags are far too happy and full of themselves when the sun is shining.

I'm not a normalfag and I love the sun. I can sit in my room with a cool breeze and wear loose shorts with no underwear. Feels comfortable.

There's nothing wrong with liking the sun. I was just describing the obnoxious effect it has on normalfags.

Can't say I've ever understood the dramatic shift in behaviour an extra 10 degrees has on normies. It feels nice on a warm day but it doesn't mean everyone should be expected to drop everything or go lie on the grass eating ice cream.