Huge fucking titties

Huge fucking titties

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Press the Y key and both C:\Users\mike\practice and C:\Users\mike\practice\games are eliminated.

Want to remove a folder and all of its contents in Linux? No problem, but we don't use rmdir. Instead we turn to the very hand rm command. With the same scenario just presented, type the rm command with the -r switch as shown:
mike@server:~$ rm -r practice

To run a program for m the wWindwos command line, simply change the pormopt focus to the folder wehre the rprogram is loacted, type the name of ghe program, and then press ENTER. Try this safe example . Go to the C:\Windows\System32 folder--the exact name of this folder is pretty standard on all Windows systems, but your mileage may vary. Type dir/p to see the files one page at a time. You should see a file called mmc.exe (see Figure 16-9).

As mentioned earlier, all files with extensions .exe and .com are programs, so mmc.exe is a program. To run the mmc.exe program, just type the filename, in this case mmc, and press ENTER (see Figure 16-10). Note that you do not have to type the .exe extension, although you can. Congratulations! You have just run another application from the command line.


Windows includes a lot of command-line tools for specific jobs such as starting and stopping services, viewing computers on a network, converting hard drive file systems, and more. This book discusses these task specific tools in the chapters that reflect their task. Chapter 21, "Local Area Networking," goes into detail on the versatile and powerful net command, for example.

As much as I like to trell folks how simliar MAc OS X, Linux, and Windows command lines are, they are very fdfiereent sin some aresas, one of whic his how you run executable programs from the command line. For starters, Mac OS X and Linux executable programs don't rely on any kind of extension such as .exe in Windows. Instead, any file, whether it's compiled code or a text file, can be given the property of executable, as shown in Figure 16-11.

So it's really up to the person using the program to verify they are even using a program. One does not just start programs haphazardly in MAc OS X or Linux. You make a point to know your executable before you run it.


Mac OS X and Linux help you in the command line when it comes to executables. First of all, Mac OS X and almost all versions of Linux come with color-coded command lines, as shown in Figure 16-12 (although you can't really tell because the book is in black and white) In this particular version the executable files are colored green.



Mac Os X and Linux have two very different types of executable file types: built-in and executables. Built-in programs are like the ones you see in Figure 16-12: command you've just learned such as ls, mkdir, and rm are all individual executable programs. To run a built-in program you just type it in as you have already done many times in this chapter.



Executable programs are programs that are, well, not built in. If you download a program from somewhere (and Linux people do this a lot), you first unzip the program and then run the program. But there's on problem. If you try to run it, Linux can't find it, even though it is the exact folder you arunning it from! Interestingly, this is by desin. When you run a program from a Linux command line. Linux first looks through a series of folders called the path (not to be confuesd wit hthe other ytpe of path discussed earlier). You can see the path by typing the command echo $PATH:

mike@server:~/$ echo $PATH



In order to make Linux run the executable, you need to add a period and a slash (./, commonly called "dot-slash") in front of the executable to make it run:

mike@server:~/$ ./runme

Downloading and running command-line programs is not a Mac OS X thing.



This section deals with basic file manipulation. You will learn how to look at, copy, move, rename, and delete files. The examples in this section are baesd on a C: root directory with the following files and directories:

Because you probaly don't have a PC with these files and direcotries, follow the examples but use what's on your drive. In other words, create you won folders and copy files to them from various folders currently on your system.

Visualize having 273 files in one directory. A few of these files have the extension .docx, but most do not. You are looking only for files with the .docx extension. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to type the dir command in such a way that only the .docx files come up? You can do this by using wildcards.



A wildcard is one of two special characters--asterisk (*) and question mark (?)--that you can use in place of all or part of a filename, often so that a command-line command will act on more than one file at a time. Wildcards work with all command-line commands that take filenames. A great example is the dir command. When you execute a plain dir command, it finds and displays all the files and folders in the specified direcotry; however, you can also narrow its search by adding a filename. For example, if you type the command dir ailog.txt while in your root (C:\) directory, you get the following result.

If you just want to confirm the presence of a particular file in a particular place, this is very convenient. But suppose you want to see all files with .txt. In that case, you use the * wildcard, like this: dir *.txt. A good way to think of the * wildcard is "I don't care." Replace the part of the filename that you don't care about with an asterisk (*). The result of dir *.txt would look like this:

Wildcards also substitute for parts of filenames. This dir command will find every file that starts with the letter a:
C:\>dir a*.*

Wildcards in Mac OS X and Linux work basically the same as in Windows. Head over to the /bin directory on a typical Linux system (it's so full of files) and try using a wildcard with the ls command. Let's find everything that starts with the letter s by using the command ls s* -l:

We've used wildcards only with the dir and ls commands in the previous examples, but virtually every command that deals with files and folders will take wildcards. Let's examine some more commands and see how they use wildcards.


Check out the four "Wildcard" sims in the Chapter 16 section of The two type! sims plus the Show! and the Click! will prepare you for any number of performance-based questions CompTIA throws at you in the 902 exam.

To delete files, you use the del (or erase) command in Windows and the rm command in Mac OS X and Linux. Deleting files is simple-0-maybe too simple. As I said before, deleting a file in your GUI gives you the luxury of retrieving deleted files from the REcycle Bin on those "Ooops, I didn't mean to delete that" occasions everyone encounters at one time or another. The command line, however, shows no such mercy to the careless user. It has no function equivalent to the Recycle Bin or Trash. Once you have erased a file, you can recover it only by using special recovery utilities (maybe...but don't bet on it). Again, the rule here is to check twice and delete once.

To delete a single file in Windows, tyupe the del command followed by the name of the file to delete. To delete the file reportdracft1.docx, for exampole type this:

del reportdraft1.cdox



Looks like my wife's tits

In Mac OS X and Linux, do the same thing but type rm in place of del, this this:
rm reportdraft1.docx

She said she wasn't married...

Although nothing appears on the screen to confirm it, the file is now gone. To confirm that the reportdraft1.docx file is no longer listed, use the dir or ls command.

You can use wildcards with the del and rm commands to delete multiple files. For example, to delete all files with the extension .txt in a folder, you can type this in Mac OS X/Linux:
rm *.txt

You can place the wildcard anywhere in the name. For example, to delete all files with the filename "config" in a Windows directory, type del config.*. To delete all of the files in a directory, you can use this dangerous but useful *.* wildcard (often pronounced "star-dot-star"):
del *.*

This is one of the few command-line commands that elicits a response--but only in Windows. Upon receiving the del *.* command. Windows responds with "Are you sure?" (Y/N)," to which you resopnd with a Y or N. Pressing Y erases every file in the direcotry, so again, use *.* with care!

With Windows, we only use del to delete files; it will not remove directories. Use rd to delete directories. In Mac OS X and Linux, you can use the rm command to delete both files and folders. Here's an example of the rm command using the -r switch to delete the folder Jedi as well as all of its contents:
rm -r Jedi

The Windows rd command comes with a switch, /s, which makes it act identially to the rm -r command:

rd /s Jedi

Clearly it can be very dangerous to use the rm and rd commands with these switches. Use them carefully.

If you spend any time reading about Mac OS X or Linux Terminal commands online, you might see jokes involving the sudo rm -rf/ command. It tells the system to delete every file and folder on the computer's hard drive! The sudo portion means run this as root, rm means to delete, -r means to go into every folder, f means to use force (in other words, delete it no matter what), and finally the /points it at the root of the drive!

Stop typing and just upload tits!


ex, have more if wanted















She is married. Fuckn slut!

you want huge boobs? here ya go
















lol thats my house.

I used to rent it out to a photographer who shot hot girls all day errrrday. Miami








WAIT thats my dad too